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Today, supermarkets are found in almost every large city in the world.如今,超市在每个城市几乎随处可见 But the first supermarket was opened only fifty years ago.但世界上第一家超市的诞生也只是发生在50年前。It was opened in New York by a man named Michael Cullen. 是纽约一位名为迈克尔∙库伦的男人开的。 A supermarket is different from other types of stores in several ways.超市与其他类型的商店有许多不同。 In supermarkets, goods are placed on open shelves.超市里的商品陈列在敞开的货架上。 The customers choose what they want and take them to the check-out counter. 顾客可以挑选想要的商品然后拿到收银处。This means that fewer employees are required than in other stores.  这就意味着所需雇佣的员工比别的商店要少。 The way products are displayed is another difference between supermarkets and many other types of stores.超市与其他类型商店的不同之处还在于商品的陈列方式上。 For example, in supermarkets, there is usually a display of small inexpensive items just in front of the check-out counter: candies, chocolate, magazines, cheap books and so on,例如,在超市里通常会在收银台摆放一些细小价廉的商品,例如糖果,巧克力,杂志和便宜的书籍等等。 why are they there?为何摆上这些商品?  Most customers who go to a supermarket buy from a shopping list.因为大多数的顾客来超市前都列好了购物单。 They know exactly what they need to buy. 他们清楚自己要买什么。They shop according to a plan. 他们是有规划地购物的。By the time he or she reaches the check-out counter, the customer is feeling pleaded and relaxed ,because the task of shopping is finished. 当他或她到收银台的时候就是顾客感到满足与放松的时候。In this happy mood, the customer sees an attractive display of inexpensive goods that were not on her shopping list.高兴之时,顾客看到吸引他又便宜的商品,尽管这商品不在他的购物单上,Now she feels like buying something just for her own pleasure and enjoyment. 她仍想买些东西来愉悦一下自己。Many customers buy from these displays of products near the check-out counter, and this is exactly what the owner of the supermarket hopes they will do.  许多顾客都会从收银台旁购买这些消遣商品,而这,正是商场主人期待他们做的事。Another important fact in helping a customer choose what to buy is where a product is placed on a shelf.另外一个影响顾客选择的重要因素是商品陈列的位置。 A product that is placed at eyelevel on a shelf sells much better than one which is placed on a lower or higher shelf.摆放在顾客视线高度相当地方的商品往往比别处的销量要高。 A product which is easy to see sells best.最容易被看到的商品往往是卖得最好的。 Manufacturers pay a higher price to have their products placed at eye level on the shelves. 商家都费劲心思将他们的商品摆放到与顾客视野持平的货架上。 The comfort and convenience of shopping centers is another factor which makes them popular with customers. 舒适与便利是购物中心受顾客欢迎的又一原因。Large parking spaces are provided, and many supermarkets stay open until very late at night 许多超市都会提供大的停车场,营业到深夜。


3. 翻译一篇文章 不要机器翻的


翻译一篇文章 不要机器翻的

4. 请翻译下面的文章用英语,机器翻译不给分

Psychology has become a buzzword in the present.People like it,so many people suggest that universities teach psychological courses.It's necessory to offer the course.First,Psychology is a scientific study of human beings, talking about life and very practical.Second,it can make us understand others and ourselves better.Third,it helps to cultivate our mental health.Fourth,it makes us better to communicate with others when joining into society and  building relationships.
I'm deeply interested in psychology.In my point of view,studying psychology is  really something we have to do in the university.Moreover,I think that psychology should be studied in primary school.Since some psychological problems are from the early stage of our development in general.Learning psychology helps individuals to grow better and establish the correct values,in case of mental diseases.

5. 翻译文章,不要用机器翻译。



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7. 英译汉,机器翻译不给分

1. 保持轻松且善解人意的说话口吻
2. 保持眼神接触(脑子里记住文化差异。这点可能有点困难,但通过这样做能让对方知道你既有能力,又有信心。
3. 保持轻松的身体姿势,把手放在身体两侧,或者把手朝向对面的人(手要松开,同时不能侵犯其他人的空间)。不要交叉手臂,拍打脚趾,摇摆手指,或者做其他在通常情况下会引起不满的任何肢体语言。
4. 除非你感到你的身体处于危险,否则身体不要后退。通知站在原地,这样的举止能传达出信任他人的信息。
5. 注意你自己的价值观,信仰,以及文化理念
6. 当谈话内容明显逐步上升,移到更私密的地点去
7. 积极仔细聆听,不能做出批评或进行过激的辩解
8. 应该注意的是问题而不是相关的人员
9. 通过使用“我”及轻松,清楚的方式,来表述你的想法,感受和信仰
10. 使用非主观,不容易引起争议的言语,比如“似乎在我看来…”
11. 建立基本法则来维持一个安全的谈话环境,比如“不能2个或2个以上的人同时说话;其他人要做的就是听”
12. 提供解释,但不是找借口
13. 可以通过多种方式表达同一个想法,并进行概括和详细解释
14. 尽量理解其他人所说的话的意思
15. 确认能帮助你阐明你自己的问题和担心的问题的想法,以及有益于解决问题的想法
16. 避免因没有意义的回复而引起冲突,比如争论,讽刺,说教,怀疑,反驳,批评,嘲弄和威胁
17. 通过温和的方式打比喻,借以建立并维持和谐的氛围
18. 通过表述你想要什么,维持积极的谈话内容,同时避免声明你不想要什么
19. 重复或回放你认为你听到的内容
20. 如果你说你要处理,报告或改变某些事情,你就去做这些事情。然后找出你作出的这些承诺所对应的人,然后向他报告你的行为和结果。其他行为无法证明你是可靠的,且正在努力工作找出解决办法。
21. 在更困难的情况下,可以考虑选择中立的,且理解他或她的角色的促进者
m 避免:一个人通过消极的行为从冲突中撤出;没有人能达成目标


8. 英译汉,机器翻译不给分


In todays health care environment, where high stress levels are all too common and patient safety, quality care, and financial constraints are everyday concerns, nurses play a vital role in promoting a productive work environment in which trust and rapport among the health care team members is common and all are working towards the same goal—delivery of safe, timely, efficient, effective, and patient-centered health care. Professional, clear, and sensitive communication provides the foundation for creating such supportive, effective health care environments. 

The first step towards developing a professional communication style is understanding the many complex and varied factors that influence the communication process, such as gender, cultural, generational, and interdisciplinary differences, each of which present many challenges for the nurse who must strive to understand and to be understood. 

The second step is adopting positive communication techniques, which include developing trust, using "/" messages, establishing eye contact, keep¬ng promises, feeling empathy, using an open communication style, clarifying information and being aware of body language. 

The third step is for each nurse to reflect on his or her use of negative communication techniques, such as blocking, false assurances, conflicting messages, logical fallacies, and cognitive distortions, that may interfere with effective relationships with patients and co-workers. Recognizing—then avoiding—the use of these negative communication techniques is essential if the nurse is to move toward a more professional communication style. 

The next step in developing a professional communication style is learning to address and resolve conflict in a positive way. Role-playing with trusted colleagues using the conflict resolution techniques discussed in this chapter can help the nurse become more adept at managing conflict. Finally the nurse's professional communication style can be further developed and enhanced through ongoing study, using the various web resources suggested in Box 17-8 and elsewhere in this chapter.

Demonstrating a professional, clear, and sensitive communication style is essential to the professional nursing skill set. As the foundation for effective, supportive work environments and excellent patient care, professional communication must be one goal every nurse strives to achieve. 