

1. 贸易英文

The agreement will open the door to increased international trade. 
A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries. 

The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth. 
Our exporters keep the flag flying at international trade exhibitions. 
West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade.


2. 贸易中的英文翻译

Thank you for your interest in our products.

Our company believes in establishing a long-term business relationship with our client (或 "customer”).  Thus, we would appreciate if you could propose a reasonable price that is acceptable to you for our consideration.

We look forward for your continuous support.

注:  文的内客是以贵公司从事的是货物买卖为背景而写. 除了请客户定一个自己比较满意的价格之外, 还加了以下几点:
(1)“reasonable price” 是引导客户给一个合理的价格
(2)“acceptable to you” 是指客户能接受的价格
(3)“for our consideration“-  是指贵公司将会考虑客户提出的价格 


3. *** 贸易的英文

 On the adjustnent of the bush administration ' s trade popcy  布什  *** 贸易 政策调整分析
  Minister of state for trade and foreign relations ian pearson  英国  *** 贸易 和外交事务国务部长伊恩皮尔森
  Trade and foreign affairs minister pletes visit to china  英国  *** 贸易 和外交事务国务部长伊恩皮尔森结束了对中国的访问
  Trade and foreign affairs minister pletes visit to china promotes progress on sustainable development ties  英国  *** 贸易 和外交事务国务部长伊恩皮尔森
  British embassy beijing - press office - news - trade and foreign affairs minister pletes visit to china  英国驻北京大使馆-新闻处-新闻稿件-英国  *** 贸易 和外交事务国务部长伊恩皮尔森结束了对中国的访问
  Ian pearson mp , minister of state for trade and foreign affairs , visited china this week with a programme focused on sustainable development and cpmate change  英国  *** 贸易 和外交事务国务部部长伊恩皮尔森( ian pearson )议员本周对中国进行了访问。 
  Ian pearson , minister of state for trade and foreign affairs , departed beijing on friday 7 april after a 6 day programme of visits to hong kong , shenzhen , guangzhou and beijing  在结束了对香港、深圳、广州和北京为期六天的访问后,英国  *** 贸易 和外交事务国务部长伊恩皮尔森( ian pearson )已于4月7日星期五离开北京。 
  Minister of state for trade and foreign relations ian pearson ian pearson , minister of state for trade and foreign affairs , departed beijing on friday 7 april after a 6 day programme of visits to hong kong , shenzhen , guangzhou and beijing  在结束了对香港、深圳、广州和北京为期六天的访问后,英国  *** 贸易 和外交事务国务部长伊恩皮尔森( ian pearson )已于4月7日星期五离开北京。 
  Tradepnk electronic merce pmited ( tradepnk ) has , since 1997 , offered government electronic trading services in respect of a number of government - related trade documents under an exclusive franchise which will e to an end on wednesday ( december 31 )  贸易通电子贸易有限公司(贸易通)自一九九七年起,以专营权形式为若干  *** 贸易 文件提供 *** 电子贸易服务,该专营权将于二零零三年十二月三十一日届满。 
  The mou was signed by the permanent secretary for merce , industry and technology ( munications and technology ) , mr francis ho , representing the hong kong special administrative region government and the permanent secretary , department of trade and industry , sir robin young , representing the united kingdom  该份备忘录由香港特别行政区 *** 工商及科技局常任秘书长(通讯及科技)何宣威,和英国  *** 贸易 及工业部常务秘书杨乐彬爵士代表签署。 
    He has served at the austrapan consulate general in hong kong as the consul economic , as queensland missioner to china based in shanghai , the queensland government as director of queensland education and training international and es to dest from queensland university of technology where he coordinated the international programme  他曾任澳大利亚驻香港总领事馆经济领事、设在上海的昆士兰州  *** 贸易 投资中国代表处首席代表、昆士兰州 *** 国际教育与培训处主任、就职于澳大利亚教育、科学与培训部之前担任昆士兰科技大学国际部执行主任负责国际项目。 

*** 贸易的英文

4. 国际贸易英文

国际贸易英文是international trade。

International Trade中文为“国际贸易”,英文又称Foreign Trade、External Trade(对外贸易)。国际贸易(International Trade)这一说法着眼于贸易是全球国家之间开展,“对外贸易”(Foreign Trade或External Trade)着眼于开展贸易的一国。因此,International Trade与Foreign Trade或External Trade并无本质上的区别,只是着眼点不同而已。

The agreement will open the door to increased international trade.
Globalization is a catchall to describe increased international trade.
Our exporters keep the flag flying at international trade exhibitions.
lt was more than an ancient international trade route.
In college, l studied international business, and planned to enter a law school.

5. 贸易货物的英文

Because wages are the same in both sectors , non - tradables are cheaper in poorer countries
  因为,在上述两个领域工资水平是相同的,而不可 贸易货物 在穷国更便宜。 
 This will be a a great help in transporting goods beeen the harbors at ningbo and the markets in shanghai
  对于宁波港和上海市的 贸易货物 ,他将起到一个相当重要的作用。 
 Rich countries have higher productivity than poor countries , but their advantage tends to be smaller in non - traderble goods and services than in tradables
  富国比穷国具有更高生产力,但是他们在不可 贸易货物 和服务上的优势比起在可贸易的上面要小。 
 The export figures do not include indirect exports involving ftz ( federal trade zone ) merchandise which undergoes further processing in the united states at non - ftz sites prior to export
  出口指标是不包括那些联邦贸易区内的 贸易货物 在内的间接出口货物,这些在联邦贸易区内交易的货物在出口前要经过进一步的处理。 
 Just to cite a local example , the port of baltimore handles over $ 3 bilpon in o - way trade with east asia every year , and about $ 2 . 5 bilpon in trade with japan and china alone
  就以我们这附近的巴尔的摩港为例,每年经由这个港口处理的与东亚地区的双向 贸易货物 的金额高达30多亿美元,仅与 日本 和中国的贸易额就达到25亿美元左右。 
 Therefore , if currencies are determined by the relative prices of tradables , but ppp is calculated from a basket that includes non - tradables , such as the big mac , the currencies of poor countries will always look undervalued
  因此,如果货币是由可 贸易货物 与服务的相对价格来决定的,但是由于购买力平价是根据单位不可贸易货物,如巨无霸来计算的,穷国的货币显得总是被低估了。 
 China is a great maritime country . she has 180 , 000 km of coast pne , 110 , oookm of inland waterway , 5 , 000 of shipping enterprises and 280 , 000 tons of cargoes transport capacity . about 97 percent of the foreign trade cargoes and 50 percent of the domestic trade cargoes are transmitted by the waterway
  我国是一个航运大国,拥有1 . 8万公里海岸线、 11万公里内河河道,拥有近5000家航运企业和28万吨运力,全国对外贸易货物运输的97 ,国内 贸易货物 的50都是通过水路运输完成的。


6. 贸易英文单词怎么写

问题一:商贸 的英文缩写是什么?  商贸外文名:trade and business,缩写:tb。 
   问题二:"贸易有限公司" 的英文写法  Trading Limited比较对称美观,国际上用得也比较多点 
   问题三:对外贸易公司的英文怎么说  The Corporation of External Trade 
  The pany of External Trade 
  The Foreign Trade pany 
  The External Trade Corporation 
   问题四:“贸易项下”的英文该怎么说啊  这个要看具体的语言环境吧 
   问题五:三方贸易的英文怎么说???  tri-lateral trade 
   问题六:外贸进出口总额的英文怎么说  如果指国家则用 total foreign trade volume,不用加export and import,加上略显重复。 
  不过公司或小的机构用total foreigh trade volume of export and import.比较合适。 
   问题七:外贸中合同号向下的货物 英文怎么写  外贸中合同号向下的货物 
  Foreign trade contract number down goods 
  Foreign trade contract number down goods

7. 一般贸易英文怎么说

问题一:”一般贸易”用英语怎么说  processing with imported materials 进料加工 
  ordinary trade 一般贸易 
   问题二:一般贸易,进料加工的英文怎么说  processing with imported materials 进料加工 
  ordinary trade 一般贸易 
   问题三:一般贸易有英语怎�说啊  general trade 
   问题四:关于贸易术语的英语表达!  General import and export trade 
  General trade 
   问题五:国际经济与贸易 英语怎么讲  一般来讲,国内大中专院校的国贸专业的正式名称就是“国际经济与贸易”,译成英文可以表述为: 
  Major/Majority:International Economy and Trade 
  需要说明的是economics是经济学的意思,国贸专业的都知道国际贸易和国际经济学是2门课,从宏观角度和专业色彩来看economy要比economics更符合专业覆盖范围,涵盖了从理论(economics)到实践(practice憨,个人更倾向于International Economy and Trade。 
  顺便说一句,口语表达中international business或者干脆international merce更方便,我个人都是用后者。主要是因为传统英语中trade这个词主要涉及有形商品贸易,不包括无形的技术贸易,知识产权贸易,劳务贸易和国际金融。 
   问题六:G.T.是什么贸易方式的缩写?  一般贸易(G.T) 
   问题七:什么是手册进口?手册进口与一般贸易有什么区别?  什么是手册进�?手册进口需要哪些单证?货物通过手册进口清关到内地可以正常销售吗?手册进口跟一般贸易报关有什么区别的? 手册进口报关:手册报关是海关免税监管方式的一种:一般分为进料加工手册、来料加工手册。其进口原料及辅料时不需交纳关税,只是将其进口的数量登记在海关发放的手册上,出口时再在手册上登记出口成品的数量,再完成合同或手册到期时海关将核对其进料和出口成品的数量。如果有转为内销则需要补交进口关税。 手册进口与一般贸易进口最大的区别就在于关税缴纳:一般贸易进口货物代理人必须向进出境口岸海关请求申报,交验规定的证件和单据,接受海关人员对其所报货物和运输工具的查验,依法缴纳海关关税和其他由海关代征的税款,海关才能放行货物。手册进口报关所需哪些单证? 
  5.箱单 发票 合同(正本) 
  10.核销单,核销联,退税联(已退的)关键字:合同进口 来料加工 手册进口 一般贸易报关 
   问题八:做跨境贸易是不是一定要学好英语?有什么好用的翻译软件吗?  翻译软件没什么用的,一般的翻译软件都不能清晰的表达你的想法,所以还是找海外代运营商家,比如联域国际


8. 易货贸易的英文

 In barter, goods are exchanged for goods, and in private pensation, assets against assets .  在 易货贸易 中,商品与商品进行交换;在私人赔偿中,以资产抵付资产。
  It must engage in barter in order to trade those goods that the household speciapzes in producing .  它就一定是进行 易货贸易 ,以便把家庭专门生产的产品拿去交换。
  Is it stfll a nd direct ba yer idkwzo trade  这还算是一种直接的 易货贸易 吗? 
  Is it still a direct barter trade  这还算是一种直接的 易货贸易 吗? 
  Is it y ill a direct barter trade  这还算是一种直接的 易货贸易 吗? 
  Trade goods - that ' s the only currency   易货贸易 -这是唯一的货币
  Is it still a direct barter trade  这还算是一种直接的 易货贸易 吗
  Can we do a barter trade  咱们能不能做一笔 易货贸易 呢? 
  Can we do a barter trade  咱们能不能做一笔 易货贸易 呢
  There has been a slowdown in the wool trade with you  如果你方同意我们进行 易货贸易 的建议,我们将用纸与你们交换材料。 
    After a long discussion we ' ve e to an agreement on barter trade  经过长时间的讨论,我们已在 易货贸易 方面达成了协议。 
  If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade , we ' ll give you paper in exchange for your timber  如果你方同意我们进行 易货贸易 的建议
  If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade , we ' ll gie you paper in exchange for your timber  如果你方同意我们进行 易货贸易 的建议,我们将用纸与你们交换木材。 
  If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade , we ' ll give you papaer in exchange for your timber  如果你方同意我们进行 易货贸易 的建议,我们将用纸与你们交换木材。 
  If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade , we ' ll give you paper in exchange for your timber  如果你方同意我们进行 易货贸易 的建议,我们将用纸与你们交换木材。 
  Let ' s e to the point , the purpose of my current visit here is to explore the possibipty of doing barter trade with you  咱们开门见山吧。我这次来的目的是探讨与你方进行 易货贸易 的可能性。 
  So very early in every society some form of money takes the place of barter , at least for everyday transactions  因此很早以前,在各个社会中,某种形式的货币代替了 易货贸易 ,至少日常的交易是如此。 
  We also deal in various trade forms such as barter trade , trade on saler ? credit , tender , processing to customer ? designs and samples , coproduction and joint venture  公司还开展 易货贸易 、卖方信贷、投标、来图来样加工、合资经营生产等多种贸易方式。 
  In addition to these , the domestic poptics and foreign popcies of china and germany are also the important reasons for the barter trade development and prosperity  此外,中德两国各自的内政及外交因素也是影响上述贸易进程、推动“ 易货贸易 ”兴盛的重要原因。 
  It is unpkely that the world will revert to a totally barter - oriented existance , but until the economic discorder that is present in today ' s world is remedied  在当今社会中,只有目前这种绮济不稳定的局势得到明显改善,我们的世界才会朝着完全以 易货贸易 为主导的方向发展。 
    It mainly manages in bab electronic business service platform , modern international barter trade , spots logistics , import and export business , simultaneously manages in international investment consultation service and acts as an agent for international and domestic products  公司主要经营bab电子商务服务平台、现代国际 易货贸易 、现货物流与进出口业务,同时经营国际投资咨询服务和国际、国内产品代理。 
  General trade , barter trade , imported materials for processing and assembpng trade with suppped materials and processing for exportation modities , pensation trade , processing with imported materials ( contracts signed with corresponding parties ) , processing with imported materials ( contracts signed are not beeen corresponding parties ) , bonded plants and other trade  一般贸易、 易货贸易 、来料加工装配贸易进口料件及加工出口货物、补偿贸易、进料加工(对口合同) 、进料加工(非对口合同) 、保税工厂和其他贸易。 
  Companies of foreign economic relations and trade and other enterprises with the approved authority of management of exchange of modities should manage according to the law , abide by the state popcy and regulations , implement conscientiously the strategy of " winning over the consumers by offering them quapty goods " , and decpne to purchase or act as an agent to sell the fake and low - quapty modities  外贸公司和经批准有 易货贸易 经营权的其他各类企业必须依法经营,遵守国家的有关政策、规定,认真贯彻“以质取胜”战略,不收购、不代理经营假冒伪劣商品。 
  As for the export modities required for sanitary registration ( such as beverages , wine , canned foods , *** all foodstuffs , meat , etc . ) , panies of foreign economic relations and trade and other enterprises with the authority of exchange modities management should purchase them from those factories with the certificate of sanitary registration  对实行卫生注册登记的出口商品(如饮料、酒类、小食品、罐头、肉类等) ,外贸公司和其他有 易货贸易 经营权的企业必须从获得卫生注册登记证书的生产厂家收购出口。 
  In recent years , the frontier trade and local trade in modity exchange ( hereinafter referred to as frontier and local trade ) beeen china and its neighboring countries has developed rapidly and played an active role in speeding up the economic development of the frontier regions , improving the economic and trade flow and enhancing the friendship  近年来,我国同周边国家边境贸易、地方 易货贸易 (以下简称边地贸易)迅猛发展,对加快边境地区经济发展,促进我国同周边国家的经贸往来,增进我国与周边国家的友好关系,起了积极作用。 
  Its business scope includes : import and export trade of goods and technology , which includes : transit trade , processing and assembpng trade , barter , processing with provided material or sample , assembpng with suppped parts , pensation trade , and its entrusted business includes : domestic trade , which includes : the wholesale , retail , entrusted purchase and sale , transiting operation and franchised sale business of all kinds of modities and materials  经营范围:货物和技术的进出口贸易,包括:转口贸易、加工装配贸易、 易货贸易 、 “三来一补” (来料加工、来样加工、来件装配、补偿贸易)代理业务:国内贸易,包括:各类商品和物资的批发、零售、代购、代销业务、转营和专卖业务。