

1. 韩军的人物履历

1974.12——1975.11,汶上县南旺公社知青;1975.11——1978.06,中国人民银行济宁分行信贷员;1978.06——1979.06,山东广播电台编辑部帮助工作;1979.06——1980.09,济宁市财办秘书;1980.09——1983.01,济宁市人大办公室秘书(其间:1981.03—1983.01济宁师范专科学校干修科政治专业学习);1983.01——1984.09,中共济宁市市中区委办公室秘书;1984.09——1987.02,中共济宁市市中区委办公室副主任;1987.02——1992.12,中共济宁市市中区委常委、区委办公室主任;1992.12——1997.12,中共济宁市市中区委副书记、区长(其间:1995.02—1996.02山东省委党校中青班学习);1997.12——1998.01,中共梁山县委书记;1998.01——2004.06,中共梁山县委书记、县委党校校长(其间:2000.07—2002.12山东省委党校业余本科班经济管理专业学习);2004.06——2004.07,中共兖州市委书记;2004.07——2004.08,中共兖州市委书记、市委党校校长;2004.08——2004.12,中共兖州市委书记、市委党校校长、市人大常委会党组书记;2004.12——2009.04,济宁市副市长、党组成员,兖州市委书记、市委党校校长;2009.04——2010.12,济宁市政府副市长、党组成员;2010.12——2011.02,中共济宁市委常委;2011.02——,中共济宁市委常委、市总工会主席、党组书记   。2012.02——2015.02,中共济宁市委常委、市政法委书记 。2015.02——2016.02,济宁市政协主席。


2. 韩军的个人简介


3. 韩军的个人资料

中文名(Chinese Name):韩军性别(Gender):男出生日期(Birthday) :1982年籍贯(native place): 甘肃身高(Height):中等身材性格(Character):开朗善良,有责任心,亲切随和特长(Strong Suit):二胡嗜好(Hobbies):书法、古琴、电影毕业学校(School):西北民族大学、中国音乐学院(主修二胡,辅修古琴)最喜爱的话(Favourites Motto):我们很平凡,但我们的生活因为有了音乐而变得格外充实,我们是音乐的受益者;我们热爱音乐,并希望所有的人象我们一样热爱音乐并走到一起来.所属公司(Company):北京同明文化艺术传媒有限公司北京九九通文化发展有限公司


4. 韩军的介绍


5. 韩军的人物经历

教育经历:Ph.D.,Economics, Department of Economics,Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001-2006.M.A.Economics,China Center for Economic Research, Peking University, 1998-2001.B.A.Economics,Department of International Economics,Nankai University.1994-1998.工作经历:2009- , Assistant Professor, Department of International Economics, School of Economics, Nankai University.2008-2009, Postdoctoral Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy, the University of Hong Kong.2006-2007, Research Associate, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy, the University of Hong Kong.科研论文:Jun Han &Runjuan Liu &Junsen Zhang, 2011. Globalization and Wage Inequality: Evidence from Urban China, Journal of International Economics, accepted for publication. (SSCI)Jun Han & Wing Suen, 2011. Age Structure of the Workforce in Growing and Declining Industries: Evidence from Hong Kong, Journal of Population Economics, Springer, vol. 24(1), pages 167-189, January. (SSCI)Jun Han &Junsen Zhang, 2010. Wages, Participation and Unemployment in the Economic Transition of Urban China, The Economics of Transition, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, vol. 18(3), pages 513-538. (SSCI)Junsen Zhang & Jun Han & Pak-Wai Liu &Yaohui Zhao, 2008. Trends in the Gender Earnings Differential in Urban China, 1988–2004, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, ILR Review, ILR School, Cornell University, vol. 61(2), pages 224-243, January.(SSCI)课题项目:National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 71103097), Urbanization and Income Distribution: An Anylysis Based on Cohort Effect, 2012-2014, Jun Han (principal investigator).MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences (Project No. 10YJC790074), The Effect of Globalization on Inequality, Household Welfare and Human Capital Investment, 2011-2013, Jun Han (principal investigator).专著:Human Capital Investment in Urban China.inHongbin Li and Junsen Zhang (eds.), China's Human Capital Investment and Returns to It, 2007 (in Chinese).Five Working Days: Good or Bad? (withJunsen Zhang) Ming Pao, Hong Kong, A16, March 2,2006 (in Chinese).Unemployment Rate in Urban China: The Role of Economic Transition Based on Cohort Analysis. (withHongbin Li and Junsen Zhang), Nankai Economic Studies 2006 (1): 23-43 (in Chinese).工作论文:Picking up the Losses: The Impact of the Cultural Revolution on Human Capital Re-investment in Urban China.(with Wing Suen and Junsen Zhang), submitted, 2009.Globalization, Inequality and poverty in Urban China. (with Runjuan Liu, and Junsen Zhang),mimeo, 2009.Openness, Corporate Governance and Stock Market in China. (with Runjuan Liu), mimeo, 2009.Does Trade Affect the Household Welfare? (with Runjuan Liu, and Junsen Zhang), mimeo, 2009.


6. 韩军的介绍


7. 韩军的人物经历

韩军,男,汉族,山东省章丘市人,教授,工学博士。1987年7月毕业于西安工业学院光学工程系光学测试专业,同年留校任教至今; 2003年被聘为校级副首席主讲教师,2005年12月评聘为教授;现任西安工业大学光电工程学院光信息科学与技术系主任,硕士研究生导师;兼任陕西省照明学会理事、陕西省照明学会光电测试专业委员会副主任。


8. 韩军的介绍

