Statement of financial position 和 Income statement


1. Statement of financial position 和 Income statement

“Income statement“叫损益表

Statement of financial position 和 Income statement

2. 哪位大峡能够介绍一下"statement of comprehensive income" ?

全面收益表”(Comprehensive Income Statement)


全面收益表”(Comprehensive Income Statement)是从传统收益表的净利润开始,增加除净利润以外的全面收益项目,包括固定资产重估价、外币报表换算差异、持有用于销售的长期证券的公允价值变动差异等,最后报告全面收益总额。

3. consolidated income statement和income statement的区别,麻烦举例

如一个集团有3家工厂,每家工厂都可以单独编制一个income statement,而集团总部编制consolidated income statement,把3家工厂的income statement进行合并

consolidated income statement和income statement的区别,麻烦举例

4. accounts payable计入income statement里吗?

accounts payable 应付账款,资产负债表科目
income statement 利润表,也就是损益表

5. 急!!!有关Income Statement的问题


急!!!有关Income Statement的问题

6. statement charge是什么意思


7. income statement 由哪些部分组成

Statement of comprehensive income 
As a minimum, the statement of comprehensive income shall include line
items that present the following amounts for the period:
(a) revenue;
(b) finance costs;
(c) share of the profit or loss of associates and joint ventures
accounted for using the equity method;
(d) tax expense;
*(e) a single amount comprising the total of:
(i) the post-tax profit or loss of discontinued operations
(ii) the post-tax gain or loss recognised on the
measurement to fair value less costs to sell or on the
disposal of the assets or disposal group(s) constituting
the discontinued operation;
(f) profit or loss;
(g) each component of other comprehensive income classified by
nature (excluding amounts in (h));
(h) share of the other comprehensive income of associates and joint
ventures accounted for using the equity method; and
(i) total comprehensive income.

income statement 由哪些部分组成

8. 什么是Income_Statement?

损益表(Income Statement d83 /Profit and Loss Account)  损益表(或利润表)是用以反映 公司 在一定期间利润实现( 或发生亏损)的 财务报表 。它是一张动态报表。 损益表可以为报表的阅读者提供作出合理的 经济决策 所需要的有关资 料, 可用来分析利润增减变化的原因, 公司的 经营成本 , 作出投资价值评价等。