

1. 谁有初一英语期末试卷及答案?

1.在植物细胞结构中起支持和保护作用的结构( ) 
2.若要使位于视野右上角的图象移至视野中央,移动玻片的方向是( ) 
3.在运动会的铁饼比赛中,裁判员如在测量时将皮卷尺拉得太紧,则测量值将会( ) 
A.偏大; B.偏小; C.不变; D.都有可能。 
4.使用已调好的天平来称鸡蛋的质量时,若指针偏右,以下操作正确的是( ) 
A.在盘中加砝码; B.在盘中减砝码; 
C.向右移动游码; D.向左调平衡螺母。 
5.用显微镜观察,当光线过强时,应选用( ) 
A.大光圈,平面镜; B.大光圈,凹面镜; 
C.小光圈,平面镜; D.小光圈,凹面镜。 
6.真菌在结构上与绿色植物的显著不同之处是( ) 
A.没有液泡; B.没有细胞壁; 
C.没有叶绿体; D.没有成形的细胞核。 
7.关于体温计与水银温度计,下列说法正确的是( ) 
8.人体的结构层次由小到大依次为( ) 
9.细胞中出现染色体,细胞形态和功能发生变化分别属于( ) 
A.细胞生长和细胞分裂; B.细胞分裂和细胞分化; 
C.细胞分化和细胞生长; D.细胞分化和细胞分裂。 
10.酸奶是在牛奶中加入哪种微生物制成的( ) 
A.大肠杆菌; B.乳酸杆菌; 
C.枯草杆菌; D.酵母菌。 
11.在使用显微镜观察口腔上皮细胞时,发现视野中无光斑,可能的原因是( ) 
12.下列四种结构中,属于器官层次的是( ) 
A.血液; B.皮下组织; C.肌腱; D.血管。 
13.用体温计测得小明的体温是37.3℃,若没有把水银柱甩回玻璃泡,又用它去测量小刚和王平的体温。如果小刚和王平的实际体温分别为37.1℃和37.8℃,那么两次测量结果应该是( ) 
A.37.1℃和37.8℃; B.37.3℃和37.8℃; 
C.37.1℃和37.3℃; D.37.3℃和37.3℃。 
14.用手表测得某学生脉搏一分钟跳了75次,每跳动一次所需时间为( ) 
15.人体内消化吸收食物的主要器官是( ) 
A.口腔; B.食管; C.胃; D.小肠。 
16.生物等级分类法所用单位从低到高排列的是( ) 
A.界门纲目科属种; B.界纲目门科属种; 
C.种属科目纲门界; D.科种目纲门属界。 
17.下列植物中没有根、茎、叶的是 ( ) 
A.蕨; B.葫芦藓; C.紫菜; D.仙人球。 
18.生物体不会因个体死亡而导致物种灭绝,这是因为生物体具有( ) 
A.生长特性; B.遗传特性; 
C.繁殖特性; D.适应特性。 
19.扬子鳄属于( ) 
20.有一种植物叫蜈蚣草,它有羽状复叶、地下茎、不定根、叶背面还有孢子囊。因此推测它可能属于( ) 
A.蕨类植物; B.苔藓植物; 
C.裸子植物; D.被子植物。 
21.某同学使用小刀时,不慎割伤皮肤流出了血,这一刀伤及皮肤的( ) 
A.表皮; B.真皮; C.皮下组织; D.脂肪层。 
22.生活在海藻丛中的一种鱼,当它遇到敌害时,身体立即倒立不动,像一种植物,从而有效地躲避敌害,这种现象称为( ) 
A.保护色; B.警戒色; C.拟态; D.适应。 
23.某人发现他的南侧是高纬度,北侧是中纬度,西侧是西半球,东侧是东半球,此人可能位于 ( ) 
A.20°W ,60°S; B.160°E,60°N; 
C.20°W,60°N; D.160°E,60°S。 

2.刻度尺是测量______的工具,天平是测量 的工具,秒表是测量______的工具。 



测量内容 仪器 单位 换算关系 
长度 刻度尺(米尺) 米(m) 1千米=1000米 
体积 刻度尺(米尺)、 
量筒、量杯 立方米(m3) 1立方米=1000升 
质量 天平(托盘天平) 千克(kg) 1千克=1000克 
时间 钟、表(机械停表) 秒(s) 1小时=60分=3600秒 
温度 温度计 摄氏度(℃ ) 
1、 实验是进行科学研究最重要的环节。 
正确 记录 实验现象和 所测数据,并进行分析,作出 结论。 
3.单凭人体感官对事物做出的判断是 有局限性的 。 4.测量是 P10页 
5.长度的单位是 米 ,固体体积的常用单位是 立方米 ,液体体积的常用单位是 升和毫升 。 
6.常用的长度测量工具是 刻度尺。 7.如何正确使用刻度尺?(重,P11页) 
8.实验室测量液体体积用 量筒 或 量杯 ,读数时视线应与 凹形液面中央最低处 相平 
10.在使用一把刻度尺前先要找到它的a零刻度线 、b测量范围(最大刻度、量程)、c最小刻度 
11.物体的 冷热程度 称为温度。 12.常用液体温度计的制作原理是 液体的热胀冷缩 
13.温度的结构有哪些?(玻璃泡、玻璃管、刻度) 14. 温度计的使用方法及注意事项有哪些? 
15. 冰水混合物 的温度是0℃, 沸水 的温度是100℃。 
16.你所知道的温度计种类有 P16页 
17.质量是用来表示 物体所含物质的多少 。 18.物体的质量是由 物体本身 决定的,它不随 温度 、 位置 、 形状 、 状态 的变化而改变。 
19.实验室测质量的仪器是 托盘天平 ,它的结构有哪些?P19页 
20.如何正确使用托盘天平?(重,P19页) 21.在使用托盘天平时需要注意哪些事项?P19页 
22.了解时刻和时间间隔的概念。P20页 23.掌握机械停表的读数方法。(理解) 

1、 生物与非生物的区别:是否有应激性、能否生长、是否需要营养、能否繁殖、能否呼吸、是否进行物质交换等。 
2、 植物与动物的主要区别:(获取营养的方式不同)动物—直接摄取食物;植物—利用阳光、二氧化碳和水进行光合作用制造养料。 
3、 (动物)分类时,必须依据一定的特征进行;由于分类的依据不一样,分类结果也不一样。 
4、 鱼、鸟、人等动物身体背部都有一条 脊柱 ,它是有许多块脊椎骨 组成,称为 脊椎动物 。 
5、 脊椎动物按从低等到高等分为: 鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类、哺乳类 
6、 鱼类的共同特点是什么?P37页 
7、 青蛙一生发生了哪些变化: 受精卵 、 蝌蚪 、 幼蛙 、 成蛙 。 
8、 两栖类的共同特点是什么?(P38页)他们利用 肺 和 皮肤 呼吸。 
9、 爬行动物的共同特点是什么?(P39页)鸟类的共同特点是什么?(P40页) 
10、 鸟类和哺乳动物的共同特点是体温恒定,哺乳动物特有的特点是全身被毛、胎生、哺乳 
11、 脊椎动物五类动物的代表动物名称及分类标准和结果。(P43页) 
12、 无脊椎动物各类动物的代表动物名称及分类标准和结果。(P44页) 
13、 昆虫体内没有 骨骼 ,但体外有 保护 作用的 外骨骼 ,身体分成了三部分是 头、胸、 腹 ,有 三 对足, 两 对翅。 
14、 种子植物和无种子植物的区别: 有无种子 ;被子植物和裸子植物的区别: 种子是否有果皮包被 。 
15、 种类最多,分布最广的植物是 被子植物 ,分布最广,功能最完善的动物是 哺乳动物 。 
16、 蕨类植物的特点是什么?它有哪些器官? (P49页) 

17、 无种子植物三大类的代表植物名称。(P49页) 
18、 植物的分类标准及分类结果。所有生物的分类标准及分类结果。(P50页) 
19、 罗伯特。胡克 发现了细胞,他发现的其实是细胞的 细胞壁 ,它的大小一般是 一到几十微米 。 
20、 动物细胞的结构 细胞膜、细胞核、细胞质 ,它们的主要作用是什么?植物细胞的结构:细胞膜、细胞核、细胞质、细胞壁、液泡、叶绿体,它们的主要作用是什么?(P56页) 
21、 施莱登 和 施旺 提出了细胞学说,它的主要内容是: (P57页) 
22、 细胞分裂时,母细胞核内会出现 染色体 ,最后它会 平均分配 到两个子细胞中。 
23、 细胞分裂的意义是什么?什么是细胞分化?(P59页,已记录) 
24单细胞生物特点: 个体微小,全部生命 在一个细胞内完成 
25、衣藻是单细胞 植物 ,草履虫是单细胞 动物 ,它们的各个结构的名称?P60、61页 
26、大量细菌繁殖在一起所形成的细菌团,叫 菌落 ; 
27、细菌的大小与一般细胞相比要 小(很多) ;它要依靠 现成的有机物 生活;它没有 叶绿体 ,没有 摄食结构 ,还因为没有 细胞核 ,被称为 原核 生物。 
28、细菌有哪些结构?(P62页)根据细菌形态可分成 球菌 、 杆菌 、 螺旋菌 
29、 动物 、 植物 、 真菌 是属于真核生物,那是因为它们的细胞里 都有细胞核 
30、真菌包括霉菌、酵母菌、食用菌等,食用菌又有 P64页 
31、食物的保存方法有 干藏法 、 冷藏法 、 真空保存法 、 加热法 
33、皮肤中有感受触摸的 触觉小体 ,反应冷感的 冷敏小体 ,反应热感的 热敏小体 ,反应痛感的 神经末梢 。 
34、 由多中组织构成的,具有一定功能的结构 称为器官。 
35、被子植物的营养器官有 根、茎、叶 ,生殖器官有 花、果实种子 。 
36、消化器官分成两大类,分别是 消化管 和 消化腺 (分别有哪些?P71页) 
39、植物的结构层次: 细胞—组织—器官—植物体 
动物的结构层次: 细胞—组织—器官—系统—动物体 
人体的结构层次: 细胞—组织—器官—系统—人体 
40、生物具有 适应 性和 多样 性 
组织名称 功能 特点 分布 
保护组织 保护 透明、无叶绿体,排列紧密 (扁平)的表皮细胞 
营养组织 制造、储存营养物质 有叶绿体 叶肉细胞 
机械组织 支撑、保护 
分生组织 分裂产生新细胞 根、茎等的顶端 
输导组织 输送物质 输送根吸收的水分、无机盐和叶制造的有机物 叶脉 
组织名称 功能 特点 分布 
上皮组织 重要是保护,其次是吸收和分泌物质 密集的上皮细胞构成 皮肤、内脏表面和体内各种管腔壁的内表面 
结缔组织 运输、支持 细胞间隙较大、细胞间质较多,分布广,形态多 血液、软骨、肌腱等 
肌肉组织 收缩和舒张,产生运动 肌细胞组成(心肌、骨骼肌、平滑肌) 人体四肢、躯干,体内心脏、胃、肠 
神经组织 接受刺激、产生并传导兴奋 神经细胞 脑、脊髓、神经 

2、 地球是一个两极 稍扁 、赤道 略鼓 的球体。赤道半径 6378 千米,两极半径 6357 千米 
(差 21 千米),仅差0.33%。所以看上去象个圆形。赤道周长约 4万 千米。 
3、经线(子午线)、纬线、赤道的定义(P84页);经线与纬线的位置关系 互相垂直 ;赤道与南、北两极的位置关系 距离相等 ; 
4、形状:经线 半圆形 ,纬线 圆形 ;任何物体可以用 经纬网 来确定它的位置。 
回归线 (南、北纬)23.5 度,极圈 (南、北纬)66.5 度;中、低、高纬度的分界。(P86页) 
7、分清什么是大比例尺地图,什么是小比例尺地图(P89页)(大比例尺地图实地面积更 小 ,内容更 详细 );各比例尺的含义是什么?(地图上1厘米表示实地距离 ? )地图上方向的三种表示方法。(经纬网定向法、指向标定向法、一般定向法 ) 
8、太阳是 气 体星球;太阳直径约 140万千米 ,是地球的约 110 倍,日地平均距离约 1.5亿千米 ;中心温度达 1500万℃ ,表面温度约 6000℃ 。 
9、月球与地球的平均距离约为 38.44万千米 ,日地距离与它相比是 400倍 ;月球直径约 3476千米 ,是太阳直径的 1/400 ;月球体积为地球的 1/49 ,月球质量为地球的 1/81 。 
10、太阳表面有(有内到外) 光球层 、 色球层 、 日冕层 三层;常见太阳活动有 
太阳黑子 (光球层)、 耀斑 (色球层)、 日珥 (色球层)、 
太阳风 (日冕层)。括号内填所在层次 
11、太阳活动强弱标志: 太阳黑子的多少与 ;太阳活动最激烈的显示: 耀斑 
12、太阳黑子活动周期: 约11年 ;周期计算方法。(作业本45页第8题) 
15、月球看上去和太阳差不多大小的原因: 太阳到地球的距离比月球到地球的距离远很多 ;月球表面明亮部分是: 山脉、高原 ,阴暗部分是: 平原,低地 ;环形山成因: 陨石撞击 。 
16、月球表面没有 空气 ,没有 水 ,也没有 生命 ,布满了 环形山 ; 
17、课本图3-21:在月球表面:①质量和重量分别怎么变化?原因是什么?②昼夜温差大的原因是什么?③不能听到声音的原因是什么?④还导致了什么结果? 陨石撞击 (P96页) 
18、星座的定义: (P98页) ; 
古代希腊人把天空分成 48 个星座,古代中国人把天空分成 二十八宿 ,现在国际把天空分 
成 88 个区域,即 88 个星座。 
19、北极星在 小熊座 ,织女星在 天琴座 ,牛郎星在 天鹰座 ,天狼星在 大犬座 , 
北斗星在 大熊座 (填星座) 
21、北斗星斗柄朝东是 春季 ,北斗星斗柄朝西是 秋季 ,北斗星斗柄朝南是 夏季 ,北斗星斗柄朝北是 冬季 (填季节) 
简单掌握要决: 东南西北、春夏秋冬 。 
22、星图定义(P100页) ;星图要举过头顶,并上北下南的看的原因是 星图上的东西方位和地表上的东西方位相反 ; 
23、月相的定义 月球的各种圆缺形态 ; 
月相形成原理:① 月球本身不发光、不透明 
② 月球绕地球转动,使太阳、地球、月球三者相对位置在一个月中有规律地变动 ; 
25地球上看不到月球背面的原因: 月球自转周期与公转周期基本一致 。 
26、朔望月的周期是 29.53天 :朔是农历月 初一 ,望是农历月 十五或十六 。 
28、太阳表面全部或部分被 遮掩 的现象叫 日食 ;它的形成原理是: (P107页) 

29、 (P107页) 叫月食;它的形成原理是:由于地球遮蔽太阳光,使地球背光一侧形成了长长的阴影区,当月球运行到地球背向太阳的一侧时,月球被地球的阴影所遮蔽,发生了月食。 
31、日食在农历 初一 (月相为 新月 )可能发生,月食在农历 十五或十六 (月相为 满月 )可能发生;日食和月食为什么不是每个月都会发生?(P108页) 
32、日食过程是: 从日轮西缘开始,东缘结束 ;月食过程是 月面先亏于东缘,后复原于西缘 
35、太阳系成员有: 太阳、九大行星、小行星、彗星等,九大行星名称及顺序是 水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星、冥王星 。 
36、彗星是由 岩石的碎片 、 固体微粒 、 水结冰 组成的; 
最著名的彗星是: 哈雷彗星 ,它的周期是 76年 。下次是 2062 年回归地球 
37、什么是流星现象?陨星?(P115页)陨星包括 陨石 和陨铁。 
38、银河系由 众多恒星 和 星际物质 组成。它的形状是: 螺旋状结构,中间厚,周围薄 ;人类观测到的最远天体距离地球约 150亿光年 。 
39、宇宙中各个级别的结构层次: 地球—地月系—太阳系—银河系—星系—宇宙 

1、 具有一定的熔化温度的物体 叫做晶体, 没有一定的熔化温度的物体 叫非晶体。晶体和非晶体的主要区别是: 是否具有熔点 ;无论是晶体还是非晶体,熔化时都要 吸收 热量。 
2、晶体熔化时的温度叫做A 熔点 。它是晶体的一种特性。 
3、晶体在凝固过程中温度保持不变的温度叫做B 凝固点 。同一晶体的A 熔点 和B 凝固点 是相同的。 
4、萘的熔点是 80℃ ,硫代硫酸钠的熔点是 48℃ 。水的熔点是 0℃ 
5、在加热熔化过程中,熔化前温度 逐渐上升 ,固态;熔化时温度 保持不变 ,状态为 固液共存 ;熔化后温度 逐渐上升 ,液态。注:熔化时间不是加热时间。 
6、蒸发是在 任何 温度下进行的汽化现象;沸腾是在 一定 温度下进行的汽化现象。蒸发是在液体 表面 进行的,沸腾是在 液体表面和内部 进行的。(填部位) 
7、蒸发的三个影响因素是: (P126页) 、 、 。 
8、蒸发时,液体的温度 降低,周围环境的温度降低。温度计从酒精中取出后示数将先下降后上升。(下降是因为玻璃泡上的酒精在蒸发时要吸收热量,后上升是因为酒精蒸发完了后回到室温) 
10、液化的方法有: 降温 、 加压(压缩气体体积) 。 
11、分子是构成物质的一种微粒;分子之间存在 空隙 ;分子处于不停的 运动 之中。 
14、扩散现象能说明:一是分子之间存在 空隙 ,二是 分子处于不停的 运动 之中; 
15、分子运动的快慢与 温度 有关,物体的 温度 越高,分子的运动越剧烈。 
18、酸性和碱性是物质的两种性质。具有 具有 的物质叫做酸性物质,具有 碱性 的物质叫做碱性物质。强酸和强碱一样都有 强腐蚀性 
22、如何使用PH试纸?PH的数值是反映物质酸碱性强弱的指标,它的范围通常在 0—14 ;PH值越低, 酸性越强 ;PH值越高, 碱性 ,PH值等于7的物质 呈中性 。 
23、物理变化和化学变化的主要区别是: 是否有新物质生成 
24、只在化学变化中才表现出来的性质是 化学性质 ,不需要发生化学变化就能表现出来的性质是 物理性质 。 
25、属于物理性质的有: P155页 


2. 初一期末英语卷及答案

英 语 试 题
亲爱的同学们,请你们认真审题,并且注意书写工整、认真答题,考出自己的真实水平!Good Luck!

I. 单项选择题(25)分
1.I think it is ________ interesting book.
A a    B an   C 不填    D  the
2.---Is this _______ dictionary?----No,  it isn't..  It is _______ dictionary.
A  you,he   B  your , he    C you ,his     D your , his
3.Please_______  these  things _____your   classroom.
A  bring , to     B  take , to    C bring ,for     D take ,for
4.Let's_______  basketball.
A plays     B play, the     C play     D to play
5._____your  brother_______English?
A Do ,like      B Do ,likes      C Does ,like    D Does, likes
6. My sister _____eggs ______breakfast.
A  have, for      B has, for     C have, to     D has ,to 
7.---Do you often _______a movie?
----No , I  often ________TV.
A see ,see     B watch ,watch    C see ,watch   D watch ,see
8.Thanks________the photo _______your school.
A  of, for       B for ,of      C for, about     D about, for
9.The boy is _______.He eats_____good food.
A  healthy , a lot    B health ,a lot of    C healthy , lots of  D heath,  a lot  of 
10._____ are these socks ?  ---Twenty  yuan.
A  What   B   How old   C How much    D When
11.____do you want?----Blue.
A How much    B What color   C What     D  When
12. September is _____month of the year.
 A  nine     B ninth    C the  ninth   D the  nineth 
13.My good friend is twelve_______
A, years old   B year old   C old year   D old years
14.--________is your teacher ? -----He is in the classroom.
A  When   B  How   C  Where   D   What
15.I like apples , _____I don't like oranges
A and    B or   C but     D 不填
16.Do you often go to see  Beijing Opera______your friend______  weekends?
A  with  , about   B about , on   C with, on   D on ,with
17.He likes playing _______ piano and he can play_______volleyball.
A.the the     B  the 不填   C  不填 不填    D the 不填
  18. What  club   do  you   want   ________?
A   to join  B join   C joins   Djoin  in 
19.You can call him   ______035-7578.
A at   B in   C for   D on 
20. Let me ______your watch.
A  have a look   B has a look   C have a look at  D  has a look at  
21.---Your English is very good.--_________________.  
A No, it isn't good  B Yes   C  Thank you    D Don't say like this
22. He can _____about Chinese history.
A  learn   B to learn   C learns    D to lear ns
23.---______David and Jane like bananas?  ---Yes ,___________.
A Do,  he does   B Do , they do  C Does , he does  D Do , they  don't
24.  Excuse me , C an you help _______?
A  his      B  our    C   he    D  us
25.Look!  These are ______pens.
A your brother   B you    C your brother's  D your brothers

II.完形填空 (10分)
June   26   action movies and she often goes   2 7  Chinese action movies. She thinks they are very   28   . She thinks documentaries are boring,  29  she doesn’t like   30   . She thinks they are scary. She   31   likes Beijing Opera. Some  32   don’t like it, but she thinks it very  33   . She thinks she can  34  Chinese history. She with her friends   35  to see Beijing Opera.
(  )26. A. really like      B. like really    C. really likes        D. likes really
(  ) 27. A. seeing         B. to see       C. see               D. sees
(  ) 28. A. exciting       B. boring       C. difficult           D. sad
(  ) 29. A. but           B. so          C. or                D. and
(  ) 30. A. comedies      B. thrillers      C. action movies      D. documentaries
(  )31. A. too          B. either        C. also              D. often
(  ) 32. A. people       B. peoples       C. English          D. Chinese
(  ) 33. A. interesting    B. boring        C. scary            D. exciting
(  ) 34. A. thinks of      B. think of      C. learns about       D. learn about
(  ) 35. A. has         B. go          C. wants            D. find
V.阅读理解 (15分)
This is a Chinese boy. His name is Wu Yonghua. He is twelve. He is in No. 8 Middle School. He’s in Class Three, Grade Two. His English teacher is Mr. Liu. His Chinese teacher is Mr. Zhu. Bob is an English boy. He’s in No. 8 Middle School, too. His English teacher is Miss Wang. His Chinese teacher is Mrs. Fang. Wu Yonghua and Bob are Number 5. They are good friends.
(  ) 36. Wu Yonghua is _____ boy.
   A. an American    B. a Chinese    C. an English      D. a Japanese
(  ) 37. How old is Wu Yonghua? _______.
   A. He’s 10     B. He’s 11   C. She’s 12    D. He’s 12
(  ) 38. Bob is ______ boy.
  A. a Chinese    B. an English   C. an American  D. a Japanese
(  )39. How old is Bob? _______.
  A. He’s 12     B. She’s 12   C. He’s 13     D. We don’t know
(  ) 40. Which is not right(正确)?
A. Mr. Zhu is Bob’s English teacher.
B. Mrs. Fang is Wu Yonghua’s Chinese teacher.
C. Bob is Wu Yonghua’s friend
D. A and B
Jim is a basketball fan (球迷). He is very good at playing basketball. Michael Jorden is his favorite (最喜欢的) basketball player. Jim is on the school basketball team. Every Friday (星期五) afternoon, they play basketball after class. Jim’s friend Mike isn’t good at basketball, but he’s very good at football. Ronaldo is his favorite football player. Mike is on the football team. They play football every Tuesday afternoon.
(   ) 41. Jim likes basketball very much. 
(   )4 2. Michael Jorden is a football player.
(   )4 3. Jim plays basketball every day.
(   ) 44. Jim’s friend Mike is good at basketball, too. 
(   ) 45. Ronaldo is Jim’s favorite football player.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45     

1.December is the t_________month of the year .
2.Can you a__________ this question? 
3.Tom is English but he can s_______ Chinese .
4.This story s__________ very interesting.
5.The apple is a kind of f_________.
6.I ________( 想 )he likes English.  
7.It's an English --Chinese  ___________(字典)
8.Is Zhao Wei a ___________ (成功的) actor?
9.This shirt is very good and I want to _________ (买下)it.
10.You can buy clothes for __________ (自己).
V. 按要求改写句子(12分)
1.Lucy has a friend.(改为一般疑问句)
  _______Lucy ________ a friend?
2.Can she play basketball?(做否定回答)
 No, _______   ________
3.My brother’s birthday is April 3rd.(划线提问)
   ______  _______ your brother’s birthday?
4.Do Jim and Bob want a room ?(做肯定回答)
  Yes , _______  ________. 
5.My parents are forty .(划线提问)
________   _________ are your parents?
6. want,join.to,we,English,club,the (连词成句)   
7.often,we,to,go,see,Beijing Opera,our,friends,with(连词成句)
VI.对话配对 根据A栏内容在B栏选择正确的答案(8分)
(  ) 1. How much is the white T-shirt?                     
(  ) 2. It’s a very successful thriller,
(  ) 3. Does she want to go to movies?
(  ) 4. How old is she?
(  ) 5. What can I do for you?
(  ) 6. What kind of movies do you like?
(  ) 7. Who likes Cartoons best?
(  ) 8. When is your cousin’s birthday?
A. She’s 13.
B. I like thrillers.
C. It’s Sep. 21st.
D. My brother does.
E. It’s $ 12.
F. but I think it’s boring.
G. Yes, please. I need a black bag.
H. No, she doesn’t.
 Mr. White____(be) an English man. He teaches English. His English class is very interesting. He ____(like) us and we like him, too. Mr. White _____(have) two children—Tom and Lucy. Tom ____(be) seven and _____(he) sister Lucy is four. Tom _____(go) to school but Lucy _____(not go) to school . Mr. White likes to wear a T-shirt and jeans(牛仔裤). Football is _____(he)favorite sport. After school we have a basketball match. Mr. White often _____(watch) and joins (加入) us. He ______(play) basketball just (只是) for fun.
Jack: Can  I (1)_______  (2)___________?
Rose: Yes, please.  I want some football socks.
Jack: (3)______ (4)_______do you want?
Rose: White. How much(5)_______ (6)_______?
Jack: Ten yuan .
Rose: I will take (7)_________.
Jack: (8)________you(9)_____________.
Rose: (10)_________you very much.
Jack: You are welcome.
以My  friend为题,根据提示写一篇作文
Ann有一个好朋友,他是中国人,他的名字叫李平,今年14岁了,9月10日是的他的生日。他喜欢足球和电影,看!足球在椅子下面,许多VCD在桌子上,他经常和他的父亲下棋,他弹吉他弹的很好。你喜欢 他吗?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45     
T F F F F     

1.twelfth 2.answer 3.speaker 4.sounds 5.fruit 6.think 7.dictionary 8.successful 9.take/have 10.yourself

V. 按要求改写句子(12分)
1.Does,have  2.she,can’t 3.When ,is 4.they,do 5.How,old 6.We want to join the English club. 7.we often go to see Beijing Opera with our friends.
VI.对话配对 根据A栏内容在B栏选择正确的答案(8分)
1.E 2.F 3.H 4.A 5.G 6.B &.D 8.C
is ,likes, has,is,his,goes,doesn’t go,his,watches,plays
1. help 2.you 3.What 4.color 5.are 6.they 7.them 8.Here 9.are 10.Thank
My friend
Ann has a friend .His name is Li Ping. He is 14years old .His birthday is on September 10th .He likes playing football and going to the movies.Look!There is a football under the chair.There are some VCDs on he table. He often plays chess with his father. He plays guitar very well. Do you like him?

3. 初一英语语期末试卷

1. There is o______ one telephone in my home.
2. Is she good at d________ pictures?
3. Ma Lin and Mang Nam are good table tennis p___________.
4. Mrs Smith is very W _______ . She can’t find her purse.
5. I don’t like my aunt. She is not f _________.
1. Skating is my ________ (最爱) sport.
2. Don’t _______ (跟随)me.
3. She is learning Chinese ________ (医学) in her room.
4 . Lucy and Lily are Listening to their teacher ___________ (仔细).
5. His school isn’t far from his home. But he has a ________ (问题).
1. I like doing some ________ (clean) in the morning.
2. Mr Green is a good teacher. He is very _________ (help).
3. Mr Brown works in a ________ (child) hospital in Chongqing.
4. Please look at the two photos. Can you find any _________ (different)?
5. These _______ (Canada) can speak some French.
(    )1. The paper plane is ________ the tree. It’s too ________.
A. on, high      B. in, tall     C. on, tall      D. in, high
(    )2. They ______ their homework in the evening.
A. don’t do    B. don’t    C. do, not    D. not do
(    )3. Tom and Lily learn _______ each other and help each other.
A. of        B. at       C. from       D. to
(    )4. There are many _______ in the fridge.
A. bottle apple juice          B. bottles of apple juice
C. bottle of apples juice       D. bottle of apple juice
(    )5. _______ is his English teacher.
A. Some of the men            B. One of the man
C. One of the men             D. One of man
(    )6. These are ____ and _____ rooms.
A. Lily, Lucy’s           B. Lily’s, Lucy’s  
C. Lily’s, Lucy           D. Lily, Lucy  
(    )7. I can see only one sock. Where’s my _______ one ?
A. others        B. other      C. the other       D. the others
(    )8. There is something wrong _______ my bike. Can you help me?
A. of       B. with      C. in     D. for
(    )9. Li Ping’s Uncle isn’t a worker ________ a doctor. He’s a postman.
A. and      B. but      C. or      D. no
(    )10. How old is Miss Lin? Do you know?
        —— Sorry, I don’t know. But she is not old. She ______.
A. look young          B. looks fine      
C. looks very young     D. is not young
(    )11. There is not _________ in the purse.
A. some money           B. some money’s   
C. any money             D. any moneys
(    )12. It’s time to go to school. Let ___________.
A. he go     B. him go    C. he to go   D. him to go
(    )13. Are you and Li Lei in the same school? -- _________
A. Yes, he is    B. Yes, We are   C. Yes, they are   D. Yes, I am
(    )14. Wang Hai goes to school _______ every morning.
A. in, car     B. in, bus    C. by a bus     D. by bus
(    )15. ____does Lily like England and ____ does she like about England?
A. How, how    B. What, what    C. What, how   D. How,what
(    )16. _____ do the doctors do ______ your machines? Oh, a lot of things.
A. How, of     B. What, on    C. What, with   D. How, for
(    )17. Hi, Mary. Here’s a post card ________ you, Who is it _________?
A. to, for     B. for, from    C. for, for    D. to, to
(    )18. That is  ______ old photo of _______ Green family. It’s a family of three people.
A. am, /     B. the, /    C. the, a    D. an, the
(    )19. There is no orang in the bottle. Would you like ______ to drink?
A. Something else  B. else something   C. else   D. something
(    )20. He doesn’t want red flowers. He want _______.
      A. purple ones    B. purple one    C. the purple    D. purple
1. Li Ping, _______ (not be) late next time, please.
2. What about __________ (run) up the tree?
3. Listen! Some one _______ (sing) in the next room.
4. Let’s ______ (play) class after school.
5. He ______ (do) his homework in the evening. But he ______ (not do) it at this time.
6. He usually likes _____ (dance), but he’d like ________ (go)fishing today.
7. ______ (walk)is good for health.
8. They must ________ (work) hard at English.
1. Can you help him?(同义句转换)
  Can you _______ _______ _______ ________ ?
2. They work six days a week. (同上)
  They work ________ Monday _______ Saturday.
3. He goes to work in a car. (同上)
  He _______ a ________ to work.
4. It takes 7 hours by plane?(划线部分提问)
  _______ ________ does it take by plane?
5. He usually gets up at 5:30 in the morning.(现在进行时)
  He ________ ________ ________ now.
6. The meat is twelve yuan a kilo. (划线部分提问)
  _______ ________ is the meat a kilo?
7. Throw it like this, please.(否定祈使句)
  ______ _____ ________ like this, please.
8. He isn’t good at math. He ________ _______ well in math.
1.让我们谈谈这幅图片。Let’s _______ _______ the picture.
2.现在轮到你扫了,吉姆。It’s ______ _______ ______ ______ now,Jim.
  It ______ _______ two hors _____ finish my homework.
4.谁教我们法语?Who _______ _________ French?
5.他们拼命干活挣钱。They work hard to ________ _______.
  Please ______ the English Chinese ______ _______ to me tomorrow.
  ______ _______ you watch CCTV news?
8.别担心,学英语要花时间。 Don’t worry. _______English _____ ____.
I’m always very busy (忙的) every day. I usually  1  up early at 6:30 in the morning. But  2  . I’m still sleepy (睡着的) . I put on my clothes, I wash my hands  3  face…Do this! Do that.  4  I have my  5  . I go go school. I usually leave home at 7:00. At school we all study  6  . We study English. Chinese, maths and so on (等等).  7  noon (中午) I get home and have lunch. At 1:30 I go to school again. Sometimes we play  8  football in the afternoon. I go home at 4:30. In the evening I do  9  homework. I go to bed at 10:00 and I go to sleep (入睡) very  10  .
(    )1. A. get       B. gets      C. getting      D. getting
(    )2. A. often     B. usually    C. sometimes   D. always
(    )3. A. and      B. or         C. but         D. so
(    )4. A. Before   B. After       C. When       D. If
(    )5. A. lunch    B. supper      C. breakfast    D. meal
(    )6. A. easy     B. different    C. difficult     D. hard
(    )7. A. on       B. On        C. at          D. At
(    )8. A. the       B. ×         C. a          D. an
(    )9. A. many     B. a lot of     C. any        D. a lot
(    )10. A. next     B. soon       C. first        D. last
It’s Sunday. There are many people in the bus. And an old man is looking here and there. He wants to find an empty seat(座位). Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small bag is on the seat. And a young man is sitting beside it.
“Is this seat empty?” asks the old man.
“No, it’s for a woman. She goes to buy some bananas.” Says the young man.
“Well,” says the old man, “Let me sit here please. When she comes back, I will(将) leave here.”
The bus starts(启动).
“She doesn’t come, but her bag is here. Let me give her the bag.” Then the old man throws the bag out of the bus window.
The young man jumps up and shouts, “Don’t throw! It’s my bag!”
(    )1. The old man wants to find an empty seat _____. 
A. in the room   B. in the bus   C. beside the driver   D. in a car
(    )2. The old man finds an empty seat. He goes there and finds there is ____ on it.
A. a man    B. woman     C. a bag    D. a coat
(    )3. The young man says the seat is for ________.
A. a man    B. a woman      C. a boy     D. a girl
(    )4. The bus starts. The old man ______.
      A. asks the woman to sit on the seat  
B. takes the bag to the woman
C. throws the bag to the young man   
D. throws the bag out of the window
(    )5. The bag is ________. The young man doesn’t want the old man to throw it away.
A. the woman’s            B. the old man’s   
C. the driver’s             D. the young man’s
Four friends live in a small town. Their names are Cook, Miller, Smith, and Carter. They have different jobs. One is a policeman, one is a carpenter, one is a farmer, one is a doctor. One day Cook’s sonbroke his right leg, and Cook took him to the doctor. The doctor’s sister is Smith’s wife. The farmer isn’t married(结婚). He has a lot of good hens. Miller always buys eggs from the farmer. The policeman sees Smith every day for they are neighbours.
(    )1. Who is farmer?
A. Cook     B. Smith     C. Carter     D. Miller
(    )2. Cook’s son is taken to _______.
A. Miller     B. Smith     C. Smith’s wife    D. Carter
(    )3. If you need, you can get ______ to repair (修理)your desk.
A. Cook       B. Carter       C. Miller    D. Smith
(    )4. Smith’s neighbour is ________.
A. the doctor’s wife    B. Smith    C. Carter    D. Cook
(    )5. Who is a policeman?
A. Cook    B. Smith    C. Miller    D. cart
Wang Ping and Wang Bin are the twins. They are students. They go to school five days a week. They don’t have classes on Saturday and Sundays.
Today is Sunday. They want to go to the shop. Wang Ping wants to buy(买) a pen and Wang Bin wants to buy a pencil—box. In the shop there are many nice things and a lot of people . Some of them buy apples and bananas. And some of them buy food and clothes. The people in the shop are very friendly. Wang Ping and Wang Bin are very glad(高兴)to come back home with their things.
(    )1. The twins go to school from Monday to Friday.
(    )2. They go to the shop on Sunday.
(    )3. Wang Bin wants to buy a pen.
(    )4. The twins want to buy some food, too.
(    )5. They are very glad today.
It is in autumn(秋天). A young man comes to a forest(森林). He’s walking beside the forest. On his right is a river. On his left is the forest. Suddenly(突然)he sees two green eyes looking at him from the trees. A tiger(老虎)is getting ready(准备)to jump on him.
What does he do? He must jump into the river. But in the river there is a big crocodile(鳄鱼). Its mouth(嘴)is very big. The young man closes his eyes. The tiger jumps over him. And the young man opens his eyes. The tiger jumps over him. And the young man opens his eyes. The tiger is now in the mouth of the crocodile.
(    )1. When does the story take place(发生)? ______.
A. In winter    B. In spring    C. In summer    D. In autumn
(    )2. Where is he walking? _______.
A. Near the river        B. Beside a forest  
C. By the river          D. Be the lake
(    )3. What does he see looking at him? _______.
A. Two green eyes     B. A tiger   C. A crocodile    D. A man
(    )4. Does he close his eyes at first(起初)? _________.
A. Yes, he does     B. No, he does not
C. Yes, he must      D. No, he mustn’t
(    )5. What does the man see at last(最后)?__________.
      A. The tiger is in the mouth of the crocodile
B. The crocodile is in the mouth of the tiger
C. A fish in the mouth of the crocodile
D. A ship is in the mouth of the crocodile
The children are P  1  games in the park. They are having a good t  2  . It’s four o’clock now. And it’s time to go h  3  . Miss Gao begins to C  4  the children’s name. “Tom!” “I’m h  5  ,” Tom answers. “Han Meimei!” “Yes,” answers Han Meimei. “Liu Ming!” There’s no a  6  . “Liu Ming” Miss Gao calls again. “W  7  Liu Ming ?” Miss Gao asks. The children don’t k  8  .
Well, Liu Ming is behind a big tree! He’s eating a big apple. He doesn’t w  9  to let the other children know. Could Miss Gao f  10  him?
1 ________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ 5 _____________
6 ________ 7 ___________ 8 __________ 9___________ 10 ___________

答 案:
一、A. only  drowing  players  worried  friendly
B. favoutite  follow  medicine  carefully  problem
C. cleaning  helpful  children’s  differences  Canadians
二、1-5  DACBC           6-10  BCBCC  
    11-15  CBBDD         16-20  CBDAA
三、1.don’t be    2. running   3. is singing    4. play   
5. cloes/isn’t doing   6.dancing  to to    7. Walking    8.work
四、1. give him a hand     2. from, to     3. takes car
4. How long          5. is getting up    6. How much
7. Don’t throw it       8. doesn’t do
五、1. talk about     2. your turn to clean
3. takes me to     4. teaches us
5. make money    6. give back to 
7. Why don’t      8. learning takes time
六、1-5  ACABC    6-10 DDBBB
七、(A)  BCBDD     (B) CADDA    (C)  TTFFT   (D) DBBAA
八、playing, time,home,call,here,answer,where’s,know,want,find


4. 初一英语期末试题

一、 单项选择(20%) 
( ) 1. There's ____ "h", _____ "u" and _______ "t" in the word "hut". 
A. a, an, a B. an, a, a C. a, a, a D. an, a, an 
( ) 2. The map _______ China is ______ the wall ______ my bedroom. 
A. of, on, in B. at, in, on C. of, on, of D. of, at, in 
( ) 3. Is this your shirt? ______,please. 
A. Put on them B. Put on it C. Put them on D. put it on 
( ) 4. Can you see ______? 
A. behind the tree girl B. tree behind girl 
C. girl behind tree D. the girl behind the tree 
( ) 5. Where ______ her clothes? 
A. am B. is C. are D. be 
( ) 6. Let's ______ Mr. Green. He's in the teachers' room. 
A. go and see B. to go and see 
C. to go to see D. to go and to see 
( ) 7. Hello!_______ is Jack Brown. Could I speak to(和…..说话)Tom Green, please? 
A. That is B. This is C. I am D. You are 
( ) 8. ---Mrs. Smith, you look young. 
--- _________ . 
A. I'm very old. B. No. C. Yes, I am. D. Thank you 
( ) 9. -Is this ruler ______? 
--No, it isn't. I think it's ______. 
A your, her B his, her C mine, you D hers, his 
( )10. Those clothes are ______ Mrs. Green's clothes line. 
A. in B. on C. at D. of 
( )11. -Can you see my blouse? 
--Sorry, ______. 
A. I can B. I don't C. I can't D. I am not 
( )12. Which ball is those ______? 
A. boys B. boy's C. boys' D. boys's 
( )13. That's not my bag. ______, this is mine. 
A. Look B. See C. Think D. Ask 
( ) 14. Please come ______ here . Don't go ______ there. 
A. to, to B. at, to C. /, / D./, to 
( ) 15. Are Kate and Ann in ______ rows? 
A. different B. the different C. same D. the same 
( ) 16. The windows of the classroom _________. 
A. is locked B. be locked C. locked D. are locked 
( ) 17. ---What's the time now? --- It's____________. 
A. fifteen past ten B. half to eleven C. twenty past eight D. forty to six 
( ) 18. --- What class are they in? --- They are in _______ . 
A. Grade One, Class Two B. Class Two, Grade One 
C. grade one, class two D. class two , grade one 
( ) 19. _______ are good friends. 
A. You, I and he B. I, you and he C. You, he and I D. I, he and you 
( ) 20. There are some _______ teachers under those _____ trees. 
A. man, apple B. men, apple C. men, apples D. man, apples 
二、 交际配伍(10分) 
Ⅰ Ⅱ 
( )1. What's the time? A. Sorry, I can't. 
( )2. Can you count from one to ten? B. Thank you very much. 
( )3. Are there any birds in the tree? C. Let's go. 
( )4. Whose watch is that? D. It's behind the door. 
( )5. I can look after your watch. E. It's five thirty. 
( )6. It's 3:40 in the afternoon. F. Let's play games. 
( )7. Where is my shirt? G. It's hers. 
( )8. What's four and four? H. Eight. 
( )9. Which coat is yours? I. Yes, there is only one. 
( )10. Let's go to school. J. The red one. 
1. Is this your box? (改为复数句) 
______ _______ your ______? 
2. My shoes are red. (对划线部分提问) 
_____ _____ are _______ shoes? 
3. There are some flowers on the teacher's desk.(同上) 
______ _______ on the teacher's desk? 
4. You can't put your coat here. (改为祈使句) 
_____ _____ your coat here ,please. 
5. It's eleven forty-five now.(同义句转换) 
It's a_________ to________. 
6. There is one mouse in the box. (对划线部分提问) 
______ ______ ______ are there in the box? 
7. Jim has four apples in his bag.(同义句转换) 
______ _____ four apples in _____ bag. 
8. The woman in a red coat is our teacher. (对划线部分提问) 
________ woman is your teacher? 
9. He can see some books on the desk. (改为否定句) 
He _______ see _____ books on the desk. 
10. I am a teacher.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) 
________ _______ a teacher? ________, _______ _______. 
11. They are American teachers. (改为单数句) (1分) 
12. is, that, whose, tree, under, bike, the (组词成句)(1分) 
四、补全对话,每空一词 (10分) 
Emma: Excuse me, Jack. Can you ________ me? I can't _______ my purse . 
Jack: ________ it in your bag, Emma? 
Emma: No, it _______. 
Jack: I'm sorry. ________ in your purse ? 
Emma: _________ some money in it . 
Jack: Don't _______. Let ______ help you ________ it. 
Emma: ________ very much 
Jack: You're welcome. 
1. Birds, cats and dogs are all ________.(动物) 
2. The boy is ______(穿着)a blue shirt today. 
3. Our ______(老师) room is over there. 
4. I have two new ________.(手表) 
5. That dress ______ (看起来)like Lucy's. 
6. Who's the man ______ (在……之间) Jim and Kate? 
7. Who ______(其它的) can you see in the picture? 
8. Is your mother a ________ (医生) or a policewoman? 
9. How are you? I'm very ______(好). 
10. Jim has a bird. _______(它 ) name is Polly. 
A: Whose are ___1___ shoes? They look like ______. 
B: Let me ______, please. No, they aren't _______. I think they are ______. 
A: Beibei, _____ yours? 
B: No, they aren't _______ shoes. I think they're ______. 
A: Put ____ in your bag, please. Feifei, you must look______ your shoes. 
B: Thank you, Miss Mao. 
( ) 1. A. this B. that C. these D. / 
( ) 2. A. you B. your C. yours D. your's 
( ) 3. A. find B. look C. see D. think 
( ) 4. A. my B. I C. me D. mine 
( ) 5. A. her B. she C. her's D. hers 
( ) 6. A. is this B. is there C. are this D. are these 
( ) 7. A. my B. her C. your D. mine 
( ) 8. A. Feifei B. Feifei's C. Feifeis' D. Feifeis 
( ) 9. A. it B. they C. them D. shoes 
( ) 10. A. at B. after C. like D. for 
A. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 
This is Ann. She's a teacher. She's wearing a pair of grey and white shoes. Frank is her brother. He likes swimming(游泳) best (最). But Frank's uncle likes playing football. Who is Frank's uncle? He's Frank's father's brother Bob. 
( ) 1. Ann is ___________. 
A. an English teacher B. a teacher C. a Chinese teacher D. a worker 
( ) 2. What colour are Ann's shoes? 
A. White. B. Grey. C. Black. D. A and B. 
( ) 3. Which is Frank's favourite? 
A. Playing. B. Swimming. C. Playing football. D. I don't know. 
( ) 4. Bob is ______. 
A. Frank's dad B. Ann's uncle 
C. Ann's mum's brother D. Frank's mum's brother 
( ) 5. Bob's favourite is ______________. 
A. playing football B. swimming C. A and B D. I don't know 
B. 根据短文,完成句子,每空一词。 
I am Kate. I have eight bags. Three are big. Five are small. I have some apples and some pears. I put three apples in each small bags, and I put three pears in each big bag and two pears in each small bag. The number of pears is my age. 
6. I have ______ apples. 
7. I have ______ pears. 
8. ---What's in the small bags? ---There're ______ and _____. 
9. How old is Kate? She is ____. 
以Amy's school day为题,请用英语写一篇6-10个句子的短文,短文要求达意正确,连贯。 

1-5 BCDDC 6-10 ABDDB 11-15 CCACA 16-20 DCBCB 
二、交际配伍 (10%) 1---10 EAIGB FDHJC 
三、.句型转换 (15%) 
1. Are, these, boxes 2. What, colour, your 3. What, is 4. Don't put 5. quarter, eleven 
6. How, many, mice 7.There, are, Jim's 8. Which 9. can't, any 10. Are, you, Yes, I, am 11. He \ She is an American teacher. 12. Whose is that bike under the tree? 
四、补全对话,每空一词 (10%) 
help, find, Is, isn't, What's, There's, worry, me, find, Thanks 
五、单词拼写 (10%) 
1. animals 2. in 3. teacher's 4. watches 5. looks 
6. between 7. else 8. doctor 9. well 10. Its 
六、完形填空 (10%) 1---5 CCCDD 6---10 DABCB 
七、阅读理解 (10%) 
1---5 BDBBA 6-9 15, 19, apples, pears, 19 

5. 初一期末考英语试卷及参考答案

         初一期末考英语试卷题目         二、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
         16. — You look happy, Millie. Anything special?
         — Yes, Mum. We have ______ “Festival Week” at school. We all have ______ good time.
         A. the; a B. a; the C. a; a D. the; /
         17. — Daniel is only five years old, but he can draw very well.
         — How ______ he is!
         A. quick B. careful C. interesting D. clever
         18. — That’s all for this lesson. Do you have any ______?
         — No, thank you , Mr Li. We can understand very well with your help.
         A. ideas B. questions C. plans D. activities
         19. — Are you the only child in your family?
         — Yes. I have no brother ______ no sister.
         A. or B. but C. and D. so
         20. — Do you like chocolate?
         — No, I don’t, but I ______ have a little to give me some energy.
         A. sometimes B. often C. usually D. always
         21. — Show me your presents for your parents, will you?
         — Look! The bag is for ______. And the sunglasses are ______.
         A. Mum; Dad B. Mum ’s; Dad’s C. Mum’s; Dad D. Mum; Dad’s
         22. — ______ are the students?
         — They are reading in the library.
         A. What B. Who C. Where D. How
         23. — Here are all kinds of juice. ______ do you want?
         — 10 bottles of apple juice and 10 orange juice. ______ are they?
         A. How many; How many B. How much; How much
         C. How much; How many D. How many; How much
         24. — I watched a very ______ cartoon last night. The mouse is playing happily with the cat.
         — Oh, that is really great ______. I want to watch it, too.
         A. fun; fun B. funny; funny C. funny; fun D. fun; funny
         25. — Look at the boy. He is too young to ______ all these books.
         — Oh, let’s go and help him.
         A. take B. bring C. get D. carry
         26. — You ______ lessons this Thursday, right?
         — No, we had a picnic in the park.
         A. don’t have B. haven’t C. didn’t have D. hadn’t
         27. — Why were you late for school this morning?
         — My mother forgot to ______.
         A. pick me up B. wake me up C. dress me up D. get me up
         28. — Is that Jack over there? It seems he ______ the cow.
         — It can’t be him. I saw him watching TV when I walked past his house.
         A. is milking B. milks C. will milk D. milked
         29. — Can I have ______ juice, Mum?
         — Sorry, what about ______ milk?
         A. some; any B. any; some C. some; some D. any; any
         30. — ______ chess with me?
         — Yes, I’d love to.
         A. Do you like playing B. Do you like to play
         C. Would you please play D. Would you like to play
         三、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
         Father came to Jack’s bed and sat down beside him.
         “ 31 was your day?” a sked Father.
         “It wasn’t a very good day for me,” Jack answered. “I had a 32 with Tom. The teacher sent a note home about me. And I talked back to Mother.”
         “Yes, part of the day was 33 ,” his father said. “But tell me about the best thing that you had today.”
         Jack thought for a minute, and then smiled. “After school I went fishing alone,” he said. “I didn’t think I would have any 34 . But I did. I caught a fish!”
         “I’m glad you enjoyed youself,” Jack’s father said. “Think about it until you go to 35 . Now I’m going to turn 36 the light. Have happy dreams.”
         Every night, Jack answers the same question. “What was the best thing that 37 to you today?” Every night, Jack thinks about the best part of his day. This gives him many happy dreams.
         Sometimes he has to think 38 to find the best thing. Sometimes it is a very 39 thing. But he always finds one good thing to think about. Jack’s father 40 him to end his days in a wonderful way.
         31. A. What B. How C. Where D. When
         32. A. talk B. lesson C. game D. fight
         33. A. good B. exciting C. bad D. sad
         34. A. luck B. energy C. time D. plan
         35. A. rest B. sleep C. dream D. bed
         36. A. up B. down C. on D. off
         37. A. put B. happened C. lent D. meant
         38. A. hard B. together C. happily D. first
         39. A. interesting B. special C. small D. different
         40. A. asked B. taught C. told D. called
         四、阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
         Oh, the rain! How Sara hates the rain! She cannot go outside to meet her friends for a game. He r mother says to her, “You may catch a cold if you play in the rain.” But Sara shouts, “It’s raining, but it’s very hot outside!” Her mother still doesn’t let her in the rain.
         Sara goes up to her room and lies down in front of her window. In fact she has many things to do in her room. There is a TV, some books and toys. But she doesn’t like any of them.
         Sara sits by the window. She does everything to make the rain go away. She opens the window so the rain can hear her. She wishes the rain away but that doesn’t work. She asks it to go away but that still doesn’t work. She stands up and shouts at the rain but that still doesn’t work.
         “Well, if you’re going to be here and ruin my day, you can find something interesting for me to do.” She shouts and again she gets no answer.
         So she sits back down on the window. It is still raining. “Fine,” she thinks, “I c an go swimming, ride my bike and play with my friends when the rain stops.” She thinks about her ideas again and again. How she wishes the sun to come out! Soon she falls asleep on the window. (211)
         41. What’s the weather like that day?
         A. Rainy and hot. B. Rainy and cold. C. Cold and sunny. D. Hot and sunny.
         42. What does the word “ruin” mean in Chinese?
         A. 喜欢 B. 改变 C. 毁掉 D. 度过
         43. From the passage, we know ______.
         A. the rain stops and the sun comes out
         B. Sara finally falls asleep on the window
         C. Sara is interested in playing in the rain
         D. Sara’s mother doesn’t want her to play with her friends
         The street food stands (摊) are very popular in Korea. The stand owners give the names of their food stands according to (根据) the food they sell (出售): Dukbokgi and Odeng.
         Dukbokgi is a spicy hot food made of rice cakes and some vegetables. These rice cakes are finger-s haped. They are white, and they are about ten centimeters long. They are mixed with sliced vegetables in a pan with a spicy red dressing. Fifteen minutes later, they are ready to eat.
         Odeng is made of ground fish. It comes in many shapes: some are square, others are round, and still others are stick style. You can buy big or small ones. At these food stands, you can also eat Odeng. It is boiled (煮) in a pot. It is served on a long stick so you can eat it easily.
         The food at these stands is not expensive. Each Dukbokgi and Odeng is about twenty to fifty cents, depending on the owner.
         Each food stand has its own recipes (配方) for its food; for example, some like to add sugar or other special ingredients (配料) in the food. Usually, there is just one owner, but if the food stand is big, there may be two or three owners.
         When I was a primary school student, I used to stop at street food stands every day with other girls after school to eat the street food.
         44. The owners take the names of their stands from ______.
         A. the food they sell B. their recipes
         C. the special ingredients D. the shape of the food
         45. What are the ingredients of the Dukbokgi?
         A. Rice and fish. B. Rice cakes and sugar.
         C. Fish and vegetables. D. Rice cakes and vegetables.
         46. Which of the following is NOT true?
         A. Odeng can be made into all kinds of shapes.
         B. Stand owners add different ingredients into street food.
         C. Street food is popular in Korea because it’s made easily.
         D. The writer liked street food when she was in primary school.
         47. What’s the best title for the passage?
         A. My Favourite Food B. Street Food Stands in Korea
         C. The Most Popular Food in Korea D. How to Make Street Food
         Briana, a student at John Fenwick School in Salem County, US, has a lot of free time. The 13-year-old girl used to hang out (闲逛) on the streets after school. “I know it wasn’t good, but I really had nothing else to do,” Briana said.
         Briana was not alone. Many kids in her city had too much free time and nothing to do. So four school districts in Salem began a program (项目) called Big Brothers / Big Sisters. It helps students do something useful after school. Big Brothers / Big Sisters asks mentors (导师) to help students in grades 6 to 8 build healthy relationships (关系) and take part in some activities.
         The “Littles” and the “Bigs” are nicknames for students and mentors. Most mentors are teachers. The “Bigs” and “Littles” usually meet once a week. They play games, share stories and go on trips.
         The program has already helped many Salem students.
         Briana’s mentor is a school headmaster, Syeda Woods. Woods took Briana ice-skating, to pizza parties and for a visit to Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania. “ When I got out, I saw that Salem is a very small place,” Briana said. “The program helps me experience (体验) the outside world and see many new things.”
         Kathy Jennings, 13, said she was very quiet but now she likes talking with others and making new friends.
         “In the program, I see my mentor as a big sister, not a teacher. I can tell her anything,” Jennings said. “And she has taught me a lot about making good decisions (决定). I think it will make a big difference in my life.”
         48. The program is to help students ______.
         A. make good use of after-school time B. get high grades
         C. to be kind to their brothers and sisters D. take part in school activities
         49. What does Briana think of the program?
         A. It helps her to know her school teachers well. B. It brings her many new friends.
         C. It helps her understand the world better. D. It takes a lot of her free time.
         50. What is Kathy like now?
         A. She is quiet and different. B. She is like a big sister.
         C. She is good at making decisions. D. She is much more open.
         五、任务型阅读 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
         51. White is Mary’s ▲ name.
         52. ▲ is Ann’s aunt.
         53. John is ▲ uncle.
         54. Ann is Mary’s ▲ .
         55. Bruce and Allen are Mary’s ▲ .
         六、词汇检测 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
         56. The food t ▲ nice, so he wants to eat more.
         57. Amy is c ▲ her birthday with her friends at home.
         58. You should act like ▲ (绅士), my boys.
         59. The present ▲ (花费) me only two y uan.
         60. The little boy can count the ▲ (数) from one to one hundred.
         61. — ▲ of the subjects do you like best?
         — English. I hope to study in the US.
         62. — What is the dress made of?
         — ▲ . If feels so soft and smooth.
         63. — Are you ready to start?
         — Just give me ▲ five minutes.
         64. — The children in that area can’t go to school.
         — What ▲ children! Let’s help them.
         65. — Can I have more sweets, Mum?
         — No, ▲ they are bad for your teeth.
         七、完成句子 (共5小题;每空0.5分,满分5分)
         66. Our library has all kinds of books. (改为同义句)
         ▲ ▲ all kinds of books in our library.
         67. He looks strong. (对划线部分提问)
         ▲ does he look ▲ ?
         68. She is my hero. (改为复数句子)
         ▲ my ▲ .
         69. If you eat too many sweets, you’ll be fat. (改为并列句)
         ▲ eat too many sweets, ▲ you’ll be fat.
         70. He often lies on the bed listening to the music. (用now改写句子)
         He ▲ ▲ on the bed listening to the music now.
         八、句子翻译 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
         71. 我的梦想和我同学们的不同。
         72. 我有必要改变我的生活方式来保持健康。
         73. 我每周三晚上练习游泳。
         74. 我享受周末与家人团聚在一起。
         75. 我希望有早一日我的梦想成真。
         九、书面表达 (共l题;满分10分)
         76. 为了迎接新年,你班在举行时装表演。请你根据提供的人物与图片,并以主持人的身份,用英语对此进行现场报道。
         人物 服饰搭配 服饰颜色及材质搭配
         Good afternoon, everyone! Welcome to our fashion show. I’m Kitty from Class1, Grade 7. Today we are going to show you all kinds of clothes.
         Here comes Daniel. ▲
         Now Sandy and Simon are coming. ▲
         Look! Here comes Amy. ▲
         They all look modern and smart. That’s all for today’s show. Thanks for coming.


6. 初一英语期末试卷与答案

    A) 根据问题选出与所听内容相符的图画。(听一遍)
    1. Where are the two speakers?
    A                   B       C
    2. Where did Tom go last week?
    3. What are they going to do this Sunday?
    4. What is Lily’s favorite animal?
    5. What is your mother?
    B) 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,每段对话或短文后各有几道小题,选出你认为最合适的答案,各听两遍。
    6 . Who will go boating in the park?
    A. Andy.    B. Jim and Kate.   C. Andy, Jim and Kate.
    7. Where will they meet?
    A. At the gate of the park.   B. At the gate of the school.   C. At Kate’s home
    8. Who is ill in hospital?
    A. Mike’s mother.   B. Mike’s grandfather.    C. Mike’s grandmother.
    9. When did Mike go to the hospital yesterday?
    A. In the morning.    B. In the afternoon.  C. In the evening.
    10. Which team won the match?
    A. England.    B. France.     C. America.
    C) 根据所听短文,回答第11~15题。
    11. When does Daniel’s ideal school start?
    A. At 9:00 a.m.   B. At 3:00 p.m.   C. At 9:30 a.m.
    12. How many students are there in each class in Daniel’s ideal school?
    A. Forty.    B. Fifty.    C. Fifteen.
    13. Which is Daniel’s favourite subject?
    A. Computer Studies.  B. Maths.   C. English.
    14. What kind of food can Daniel eat every day?
    A. Fruit and meat. B. Fruit and vegetables.  C. Vegetables and meat.
    15.Where does Daniel go on a school trip every month?
    A. To a museum.   B. To a cinema.   C. To a park.
    16.        girls took part in the Happy Girl Competition, but only few of them succeeded.
    A. Thousand of B. Two thousands C. Two thousand of D. Thousands of
    17. —Do you hear there was        fire in the hotel last night?
    —Yes.        fire was terrible.
    A. the; The  B. /; A   C. the; A  D. a; The
    18. Do you know what        Wang Lei yesterday?
    A. happened  B. happened to  C. happens to D. will happen to
    19. Our teacher asked us to write        story.
    A. a 80-word  B. an 80-word  C. a 80-words D. an 80-words
    20. —Would you like to come to my home for supper with me tomorrow?
    —I’d love to, but I        a business trip (出差).
    A. am going to having      B. will having
    C. am going to have          D. had
    21. Now many people like to play a game        “QQ Farm”.
    A. call   B. calls    C. called   D. calling
    22. —Can a plane fly        the Pacific Ocean (太平洋) ?
    —Yes, but it needs to go        the clouds for hours.
    A. across; through  B. through; across  C. cross; through   D. through; across
    23. It’s too late.        go home, Sandy?
    A. Why not   B. Why don’t     C. Would you like D. What about
    24. In autumn, you can often see leaves        in the air.
    A. to fly    B. flew    C. have flown  D. fly
    25. —What is Amy cooking in the kitchen?
    —Fish, I guess.        good cook she is!
    A. What a   B. What    C. How a   D. How
    26. —Mike, I can’t stop playing computer games.
    —For your eyes, I am afraid you       .
    A. have to   B. may    C. would   D. could
    27. —Paul, why didn’t you close the windows yesterday?
    —Really? I remember        them before I left.
    A. to close   B. closing   C. not to close  D. not closing
    28. —       does it take to get to the bus stop from your home?
    —About twenty minutes.
    A. How far   B. How much  C. How long   D. How many
    29. Ann is a        girl because she often leaves books in the park.
    A. tidy    B. brave    C. careless   D. friendly
    30. —Do you know some butterflies taste with their feet?
    —       I can’t believe it.[来源:Zxxk.Com]
    A. Yes, you’re right. B. Oh, I think so.  C. Certainly.     D. Oh, really?
    Long ago, a young man often said that he was very   31   and owned nothing. One day, an old man walked   32  . He heard the young man’s words and said, “Hello, young man! What are you   33   about? You have nothing? That’s not true! You have the most expensive things in the world,   34   you are a rich person.” The young man was very surprised and asked, “  35   do you say that? You can see I have nothing. What are these expensive things?” Then   36   old man said, “If you sell your eyes to a rich blind man, you’ll   37   a lot of money and can get everything you want. Would you like to sell them?” The young man didn’t want to be blind, so he said, “No.” The old man asked again, “Then what about   38   your hands for some gold?” The young man shook (摇) his   39   for the second time. Finally, the old man said, “Now you understand. You have the most expensive things in the world.” So, the old man taught both the young man and us a lesson—  40   is the most important for us.
    31. A. poor    B. rich    C. healthy   D. strong
    32. A. across    B. past    C. through   D. away
    33. A. talking   B. drawing   C. singing   D. telling
    34. A. but    B. or    C. so    D. however
    35. A. What    B. When   C. Why    D. How
    36. A. the    B. a     C. an    D. /
    37. A. save    B. buy    C. get    D. collect
    38. A. putting up   B. selling    C. turning   D. washing
    39. A. eye    B. leg    C. hand    D. head
    40. A. gold    B. time    C. health   D. money
     四、阅读理解(共10小题, 每小题1分,满分10分) 
    When you are in England,you must be very careful in the street because the traffic drives on the left. You must look at the right first and then the left, then you can cross the street. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then the people on foot can cross the road. If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot mustn’t cross.
    When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way. In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floors. From there you can see the city very well. It’s very interesting.
    41. When you are in England, you must remember that       .
    A. there are not any traffic lights.   B. the traffic drives on the left.
    C. the traffic drives on the right.   D. there are many cars on the road.
    42. Before you cross a street in England, you must look at        first and then       .
    A. the left, the right        B. the right, the left
    C. the front, the black       D. the back, the front
    43. Why must you be careful when you go by bus in England?
    A. Because there are too many cars.
    B. Because there are too many people.
    C. Because you may go the wrong way.
    D. Because the traffic lights are different from ours.
    44. It’s interesting to        in England.
    A. cross the street
    B. look at the traffic lights
    C. look at the people in the street
    D. sit on the second floor of a big bus and see the city
    45. Which is the best title of this passage?[
    A. Traveling in England          B. Buses in England
    C. Traffic in England             D. Traffic lights in England
    Mum gives little Tom ten yuan. Then little Tom goes shopping. He gets on the bus and sits down next to an old woman. Then he sees the old woman’s handbag is open. There is ten yuan in it. He quickly looks into his pocket. The money isn’t here now! Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a thief (小偷). He decides to take back the money from the old woman’s bag. He carefully puts his hand into the old woman’s bag, takes the money and says nothing. Suddenly the old woman shouts, “Where is my money? I can’t find it. There is a thief in the bus.” Little Tom feels strange. Then he sees ten yuan under his seat. Little Tom is thinking a question now, “Am I a thief?”
    46.        is sitting beside little Tom.
    A. A young woman B. An old woman C. A young man  D. An old man
    47. Little Tom sees        in the old woman’s handbag.
    A. a wallet   B. a packet  C. ten yuan   D. ten dollars
    48. Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a       .
    A. thief   B. teacher   C. rich woman  D. poor woman
    49. Little Tom sees        ten yuan under his seat.
    A. his own   B. the old woman’s C. the thief’s   D. the driver’s
    50. Which of the following is right?
    A. Little Tom is a bad boy.     B. Little Tom makes a mistake.
    C. Mum gives little Tom twenty yuan.  D. Little Tom often steals (偷) things.
    A) 根据所给提示及句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子意思完整正确。
    51. The world around us is full of   ▲   (令人惊奇的) things.
    52. There are many   ▲   (钢琴) in the hall?
    53. There is no smoke   ▲   (没有) fire.
    54. My American friend Julia is the   ▲   (第九) child in her family.
    55. The door is   ▲   (锁上的), so we can’t get into the classroom.
    56. His grandfather lived   ▲   (独自) in a flat in Beijing, but he has a lot of friends.
    57. Do not put anything hot into the   ▲   (/rb/) bin.
    58. He was very sad when he   ▲   (/mst/) the last bus.
    59. I don’t like   ▲   (西方) food, I prefer Chinese food.
    60. There is   ▲   (没什么) important in today’s newspaper.
    B) 根据句子意思用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。
    61. We often knock on our   ▲   (neighbour) doors and shout, “Trick or treat.”
    62. The two boys are looking forward to   ▲   (join) the Basketball Club.
    63. Now we don’t have to   ▲   (do) too much homework every day.
    64. Daniel   ▲   (carry) a large bag to school last Monday.
    65. Suzy likes music and she plays the piano very   ▲   (good).
    A) 按要求改写句子。(每空1分,共8分)
    66. The guide told me everything. (改为一般疑问句)
    ▲    the guide   ▲   you everything?
    67. Can you show me how I can get to the railway station? (改为同义句)
    Can you show me   ▲      ▲   get to the railway station?
    68. Take the second turning on the right, you’ll see the hospital. (改为同义句)
    ▲     ▲   at the second turning, you’ll see the hospital.
    69. We shall hold the party in Sunshine Park this Saturday. (对划线部分提问)
    ▲     ▲   we hold the party this Saturday ?
    B) 连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。(每小题1分,共4分)
    70. be, we, fire, with, careful, should
    ▲                                 .
    71. like, I , the party, to, invite, you, would, to
    ▲                                 .
    72. do, can, what ,for, in, we, the children, areas, poor
    ▲                                 ?
    73. flies ,fast, how, the superman
    ▲                                 !
    C) 根据所给汉语完成句子。(每空1分,共8分)
    74. 张华用毯子扑灭了火。
    Zhang Hua   ▲     ▲   the fire with a blanket.
    75. 我妹妹年龄不够大,上不了学。
    My sister isn’t   ▲     ▲   to go to school.
    76. 去年我不会骑自行车,但现在我会了.
    Last year, I   ▲     ▲   a bike, but now I can.
    77. 那只狗努力要穿过洞,但是失败了。
    The dog   ▲     ▲   go through the hole but failed.
    Jessie feels excited b  78   it is her first day to work at Mr. Smith’s shop. After breakfast she w  79   a pair of new shoes. She says g  80   to her mother and goes out of the house. The shop is n  81   her home so she walks there.
    There is a heavy r  82   the night before and  there is dirty water all over the street. W  83   she goes  across the street, a car runs p  84   her and splashes (溅起) water on her. Her shoes g  85   dirty. Luckily, it is hot. She is very sad and she wants to cry. However, she knows she has to hurry to the shop so she s  86   to run. When she gets there, she sees a n  87   on the door. It says: CLOSED BECAUSE OF POWER FAILURE (停电).
    78 b  ▲   79 w  ▲   80 g  ▲   81 n  ▲   82 r  ▲
    83 W  ▲   84 p  ▲   85 g  ▲   86 s  ▲   87 n  ▲
    Dear friends,
    I’d like to share my experience of keeping pets with you. First let me introduce myself.
    That’s all, thank you.
    一、 1. A   2. A   3. C   4. A   5. B  6. C   7. B   8. C   9. C  10. A
    11. A  12. C  13. B  14. B  15. A
    二、16. D  17.D  18. B  19. B  20. C  21. C  22. A  23. A  24. D  25. A
    26. A  27. B  28. C  29. C  30. D
    三、31. A  32. B  33. A  34. C  35. C  36. A  37. C  38. B  39. D  40. C
    四、41. B  42. A  43. C  44. D  45. C  46. B  47. C  48. A  49. A  50. B
    A) 51. amazing  52. pianos    53. without  54. ninth    55. locked
    56.alone    57. rubbish    58. missed      59. western    60. nothing
    B) 61. neighbours’   62. joining     63. do       64. carried   65. well
    A) 66. Did; tell    67. how to      68. Turn right   69. Where shall
    B) 70. We should be careful with fire.
    71. I would like to invite you to the party.
    72. What can we do for the children in poor areas?
    73. How fast the superman flies!
    C) 74. put; out     75. old; enough   76. couldn’t; ride    77. tried; to
    七、78. because   79. wears    80. goodbye   81. near    82. rain
    83. When    84. past    85. get   86. starts    87. note
    八、One Possible version:
    Dear friends,
    I’d like to share my experience of keeping pets with you. First let me introduce my self.
    My name is Andy and I am 14 years old. I am from Suzhou. It’s a beautiful city in Jiangsu. I have a cat at home, but it is a lazy cat. It likes sleeping on my legs. I also have a pet. It is a carrot. It likes to repeat my words, so I often teach it how to speak English. I think it is necessary to have a pet at home. It can bring me a lot of happiness.
    That’s all, thank you.
    A) 根据问题选出与所听内容相符的图画。(听一遍)
    1. M: Can I help you, madam?
    W: I’d like to order two pieces of cake and a cup of coffee, please!
    2. W: Hi, Tom. I called you last week but nobody answered.
    M: Oh, I went to the capital of the UK.
    3. W: Are you going to watch cartoons this Sunday, Sam and Jim?
    M: No, we plan to help our mother do the housework.
    4. M: I like pandas best. What about you, Lily?
    W: Me too.
    5. W: What does your mother do?
    M: She is a doctor and she works very hard in the hospital.
    B) 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,每段对话或短文后各有几道小题,选出你认为最合适的答案,各听两遍。
    W: Hello, could I speak to Andy?
    M: Speaking, please.
    W: Hi, Andy. This is Kate. Tomorrow is Sunday. Jim and I will go boating in the park. Will you join us?
    M: That’s great. I’d love to. Where shall we meet?
    W: Let’s meet at the school gate at 1:00 in the afternoon.
    M: At the school gate at 1:00. OK. See you.
    W: See you.
    W: Hello! Mike, did you watch the football match on TV yesterday evening?
    M: No, I had to go to the hospital.
    W: What was the matter with you?
    M: My grandmother is ill in hospital. I went there to see her yesterday evening.
    W: I’m sorry to hear that.
    M: She is better now. Well, what was the result of the match?
    W: 2-0. England won the match.
    C) 根据所听短文,回答第11~15题。(听两遍)
    Hello! My name is Daniel. Now let me tell you something about my ideal school. I like to get up late, so my ideal school starts at 9 a.m. It finishes at 3 p.m. So I will have lots of time for after-school activities. I have an hour for lunch. There is a big dining hall. I can eat lunch and chat there. I can also listen to pop music in the hall. I can eat fruit and vegetables every day.
    I can have maths every day because I like it best. I also like computers so I have Computer Studies three times a week. I wear school uniforms, but I do not wear ties. The classes are quite small. There are only 15 students in each class.
    There are lots of clubs and after-school activities. I only have half an hour of homework every day. And I do not do homework at weekends. Every month I go on a school trip to a museum.

7. 初一的英语期中测试卷

21. _______ is from England. _______ name is Jack.
A. His; He     B. He; His    C. I; My     D. She; Her 
22. ----_______ her telephone number?
----_______ telephone number is 055-1234.
A. What; My    B. What’s; Her    C. What’s; My    D. What; Her
23. Jim’s father is your uncle, so Jim is your ________.
A. uncle     B. sister      C. brother     D. cousin 
24. They eat ______ healthy food and they’re healthy.
A. lot of     B. lot    C. a lot    D. lots of 
25. For ______ breakfast, I like hamburgers, eggs and ______ apple.
A. a; a     B. /; an    C. / ; a     D. a ; an 
26. ---- Are the books in the backpack?
---- ________.
A. Yes, they are.    B. No, they are.    C. No, they don’t.    D. Yes, they aren’t.
27. ---- ______ you have a tennis racket?
---- No, I _______.
A. Do; don’t    B. Do; do    C. Are; am not    D. Does; doesn’t 
28. Lucy ______ ice cream, but she doesn’t _______ salad.
A. likes; likes    B. like; like   C. likes; like   D. like; likes
29. Let’s have some ________.
A. apple     B. banana     C. tomato     D. broccoli
30. ----Where is my soccer ball?
   ---- __________.
A. It’s under the table.       B. They are under the chair.
C. Yes, it is.               D. No, it isn’t.

31. ----Let’s play basketball.
   ---- No, that sounds _______.
A. interesting    B. fun     C. boring     D. good
32. ----Hello! My name ______ Cindy.
   ----Hi! I ______ Gina.
A. is ; is    B. is ; am    C. am; am   D. am; is 
33. 当你称呼李老师(男)时,应如何称呼?__________.
A. Teacher Li     B. Mr. Li    C. Miss Li    D. Sir Li
34. -----Your bag is very nice.
A. Sorry.    B. No, it isn’t.      C. Yes.     D. Thank you.
35. ---- Is this your pen?
   ---- _________. It’s her pen.
A. Yes, it is.     B. No, it isn’t.    C. It’s my pen.    D. No, this isn’t.
36. Her name is Mary Green. Mary is her _______ name.
A. last    B. family    C. first    D. Chinese
37. Thanks _______ your help.
A. of     B. at      C. for      D. in 
38. He ______ a small room.  ________ a table in the room.
A. has; There is     B. has; Has    C. is; There is   D. have; There is 
39. _______ your sister like English?
A. Does       B. Do       C. Is     D. Are
40. ----Do you like hamburgers?
   ---- Yes, I like _______ very much. 
A. it     B. them     C. their     D. its
Hello, my name is David. I  41   a student in No. 1 Middle School. In my spare time (空余时间), I like doing sports. I like playing  42   tennis and basketball.
Look  43   my bedroom. I have a tennis racket.   44   is on the table. I have two __45  . They are   46   the bed. Playing sports is very   47  , so I like it very much. I also like eating. Among (在…当中) fruits, I like  48   best. But I  49_   like vegetables. I like French fries very much. So I am very fat. The doctor asks me to eat more   50   food. 
41. A. is       B. are       C. am        D. do 
42. A. the      B. a         C. /         D. an 
43. A. at       B. in        C. for        D. to
44. A. It       B. Its        C. They      D. Them
45. A. basketballs   B. basketball     C. volleyball    D. soccer ball
46. A. in           B. at            C. to          D. under
47. A. boring       B. interesting     C. difficult      D. bad 
48. A. carrots       B. ice cream     C. broccoli      D. bananas 
49. A. do          B. don’t         C. does         D. doesn’t 
50. A. relaxing     B. healthy       C. bad         D. health 
Mr. Brown is from England. He and his wife(妻子)are teachers . They teach English in Shanghai. They have a son and a daughter. They are John and Lucy. John is a middle school student, but Lucy is not. She is only six. 
    They have two bikes. One is big, and the other is small. The big bike is for John. The small one is for Lucy. 
    On Sundays, sometimes they are at home, sometimes they go to the parks. They like China. They have a lot of Chinese friends.
(    )51. Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown are English teachers.
(    )52. They have a son and a daughter .
(    )53. John isn’t a student because he is only six years old .
(    )54. The small bike is for John , and the big one is for his sister .
(    )55. They have many friends in China .
    Jim: Let’s play computer games. 
    Peter: That sounds good. Where’s your computer? 
Jim: I don’t have a computer. Do you have a computer? 
Peter: No, I don’t. But I have a TV. Let’s watch TV. 
Jim: No, it’s boring. Let’s play tennis. I have a tennis racket. 
Peter: Good. Where is it? 
Jim: On the sofa. Do you have a racket? 
Peter: No, I don’t. Does your brother have a racket? 
Jim: Yes, he does. And he has tennis balls. 
56. Does Jim have a computer? ________ 
A. Yes, he does.         B. No, he doesn’t.   
C. He has a computer.   D. He has two computers. 
57. Jim has a racket. Where is it? ________
   A. It’s on the sofa.    B. It’s near the sofa. 
C. It’s behind the sofa.      D. It’s under the sofa. 
58. ---- Does Peter have a tennis racket?    ---- ________ 
A. Yes, he does.                 B. No, he doesn’t. 
C. He has two tennis rackets.       D. He doesn’t have two tennis rackets. 
59. ______ has a brother.
  A. Jim   B. Peter   C. Jim and Peter    D. Jelly
60. Jim and Peter will(将会) _______ .
 A. play computer games     B. watch TV     C. play tennis     D. go to school
We go shopping (购物) on Sunday. I often go to the supermarket (超市) with my mother on Sunday morning. Father likes fruit very much. We buy some bananas for him. Mother likes red apples, but the apples in the supermarket are green. We don’t buy(买) them. The strawberries are very nice. Mother likes them very much and buys some for herself(她自己). The oranges are very nice, too. Mother buys some for me. I like oranges very much.
We need some vegetables. The vegetables in the supermarket are very good. We buy some broccoli. I don’t like broccoli, but my parents like it. I like carrots very much. We buy lots of carrots. After shopping, mother and I have some salad, French fries and ice cream. Then we go back home with the fruit and vegetables. 
61. Who likes strawberries very much? ________
   A. I       B. Father      C. Mother      D. I don’t know.
62. ---- Does mum buy apples?  ----____________.
   A. Yes, she does.         B. No, she doesn’t. 
   C. She likes apples.       D. She doesn’t like apples.
63. Mother buys some oranges for _______.
   A. herself       B. father      C. us      D. me 
64. My parents like _______, but I don’t like it. 
   A. hamburgers     B. strawberries     C. carrots     D. broccoli
65. After we buy the fruit and vegetables, _____________.
   A. we go back home      B. we want to buy some new clothes 
   C. we eat some apples     D. we have some salad, French fries and ice cream 
66. That’s my book. (改为一般疑问句)
   ________ that __________ book?
67. She has a ping-pong bat. (改为一般疑问句)
   __________ she ___________ a ping-pong bat?
68. Tom likes hamburgers. (划线提问)
   ___________  ___________ Tom like?
69. Are these your books? (作否定回答)
   No, _________   ___________.
70. It’s my computer. (变为否定句)
   _________   __________ my computer. 
My name is Eric Green. I  71   (be) a student. I have a sister. Her name is Lucy Green. She  72  (be) a student, too. I have four basketballs. They  73  (be) under the table. I can   74  (play) basketball, but not well. Lucy   75   (like) sports, too. She   76   (have) six tennis rackets. She   77   (play) tennis every day. My father only lets her play in the afternoon before (在…之前) she   78_  (eat) dinner. Does she like   79   (watch) TV? No, she   80   (don’t). 
(A) 信息归纳(本部分为5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
My name is Helen and I have two sisters, Sonia and Silvia. We like hamburgers for lunch. Sonia and I like French fries, but Silvia doesn’t. I don’t like eggs for dinner, but Sonia and Silvia do. I really like chicken and salad. 
I think it’s good to eat healthy food every day. We eat good food every day. But sometimes(有时) we don’t eat good food. For example, we all need oranges and bananas, but we don’t need ice cream. So we can eat more oranges and bananas and less(较少的) ice cream. Please write a list of the food you eat and make sure (确信) you eat well every day. 
Information Card
My two sisters’ names                 81        
For lunch, we like                82        
Who likes eggs for dinner                 83       _
It’s good to eat          84         every day.
We should eat more oranges and bananas and less          85        .
B) 书面表达(本部分15分)
请以“My Good Friend”为题写一篇短文,词数60字左右。
提示:1. 我有一个好朋友,名叫Bob。
      2. 他12岁,个子高。
      3. 他喜欢健康的食物,不喜欢汉堡包和薯条。
      4. 他喜欢运动。他有五个棒球,八个排球,四个足球,三个篮球。
      5. 他每天都做运动。

1-5  CBCBC      
6-10  BAACC
11-15 CCBCA
16. Nine / 9     17. A baseball bat     18. Two tennis rackets 
19. Five / 5     20. A volleyball
21-25 BBDDB
26-30 AACDA
31-35 CBBDB
36-40 CCAAB 
41-45 CCAAA
46-50 DBDBB
51-55 TTFFT
56-60 BABAC
61-65 CBDDD 
66 Is; your   67. Does; have  68. What ; does  69. they aren’t  70. It isn’t 
71. am  72. is  73. are  74. play  75. likes
76. has  77. plays  78. eats  79. watching  80. doesn’t 
81. Sonia and Silvia 
82. hamburgers 
83. Sonia and Silvia
84. healthy food
85. ice cream


8. 初一英语期中的试卷

第I卷    选择题 (共55分) 
请注意:考生需将1~55题所选答案填涂到答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。 一、听力(20分) 
A) 根据听到的内容, 选择正确的图片或正确的答案,听两遍。 1.       A                    B                       C  
2.       A                     B                       C        
3.       A                     B                       C      
4.        A                    B                      C                          
5.         A                   B                      C    
6. How often does Amy‟s mother play table tennis? 
A. Every day               B. Once a week            C. Twice a week 7. What is the date today? 
  A. May 30 th               B. June 1st                C. May 31 st 

       var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = 'http://static.pay.baidu.com/resource/baichuan/ns.js'; document.body.appendChild(script);    

8. What will the weather be like tomorrow?   A. Fine                  B. Rainy                 C. Hot 
9. What‟s in the tree? 
  A. A big bird                B. A kite                 C. A model plane 10. What would the man like to drink? 
  A. A glass of milk            B. A cup of coffee          C. A cup of apple juice B) 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的答案,每段对话听两遍。    你将听到两段对话。听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11. How many restaurants are there? A. One.             
B. Two.            
C. Three. 12. What kind of food does the man like to eat? 
A. Chinese food.          B. Japanese food.       C. English food. 
听第二段对话回答第13-15小题。 13. What does Mr. Green do first in the morning?    A. He drives to work.  B. He takes his children to school.  C. He rides a bike to work.  
14. Who has lunch at home?    A. Mrs. Green.      
B. Mr. Green and Mrs. Green.  C. Mr. Green. 
15. How do children come back home after school? 
A. Mrs. Green takes them home.   B. Mr. Green drives them home.     C. They come back home by bus. 
C) 听一篇短文,回答第16-20题,短文听两遍。 16. You know a lot about English but maybe you        .    A. can speak it          B. can‟t speak it          C. can‟t study it     17. What must you do if you want to know how to swim?    A. Get into the water.     
B. Play with water.      
 C. Go boating.   18. How can you be a football player?   
   A. Borrow a good football.   B. Buy a good football.    
C. Play football.  
19. How can we learn English well? A. We must use it often. 
B. We must listen to English every day. C. We must have a good English teacher. 20. Who can you speak English to in class? 
A. Only my classmates.      B. My father and teacher. C. My English teacher and my classmates. 

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从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. —Which sound is right for the word „seldom‟? —I think it is ________. A. /'seldəm/ 
B. /'seildəm/    C. /'səldem/ 
    D. /'seldem/ 
22. —Now, you‟re ________ new student of Sunshine Middle School. Do you love it?    —Sure. I can have many new friends here.  
A. the 
B. a  
C. /  
    D. an 
23. —_______ David and Sandy happy to meet you today? —_______. We hope to see each other soon.  A. Are, Yes   B. Are, No   
C. Do, Yes       D. Do, No 
24. —Does Peter like playing football? I want to ask him to watch a football match. —Peter, ________ many boy students, enjoys playing it.    A. 1ike    
B. 1ikes      
C. is like      
D. is liking 
25. —What‟s the date today, Jim?  —It‟s________ 13th November, 2014.    A. at      
B. on     
C. in     
D. /  
26. —________does your school library look?  —It looks big and modern. It has many books in it.  A. How      B. What        C. How much   
D. When 
27. Peter, Jim and I _______ classmates. _________ all love maths lessons.    A. are all, We   B. all are, We    C. are all, They    D. all are, They  
28. —Shall we go and ________ hello to our new teacher?    —Good idea! Let‟s go.      A. tell     
B. speak       
C. say         
D. talk 
29. —Why can we ________ see Sandy play tennis?    —Because she does not have much free time to play it.     A. often   
B. always        C. usually 
    D. seldom 
30. —_________ do you go on a picnic? —About once a week. A. How much        B. How often     C. How many times   
D. How long 
31. —How does Lily go to school? 
   —She often goes there ________. She loves walking. A. walks     B. by bus     C. on foot      
D. by bike 
32. —He sits between Sandy and ________, right?    — Yes. 
   A. me     
C. my       D. mine  
33. —Which is your mother in the picture?    —________.