

1. 美国游戏公司中排名第二的是

1,动视暴雪。            市值130亿美金
2,ea。                      市值80亿美金(低谷期)
3,zynga。               市值90亿美金
4,国际游戏公司(igt)。 市值50亿美金
5,take-two。          市值17亿美金 
6,gameloft。         市值4亿美金
7,glu手机游戏。     市值3亿美金
8,majesco。         市值一亿美金
9,gravity。          市值8000万美金
9,thq。               市值4000万美金
10,zoo。      市值1000万美金


2. r星和ea几几开,,,,,,,,,,

Rockstar Games只是游戏发行商Take-Two Interactive旗下的游戏开发分公司,游戏质量和游戏性来说,r星代表作侠盗飞车系列的评价很高,但是如果论实力来说,r星还是比不过ea的。看看橘子里面买的战地系列,使命召唤系列,极品飞车系列,销量都很高。还有其他耳熟能详的模拟人生、孢子、命令与征服等等,虽然可能良莠不齐,但是同样还是有很多经典的。我觉得37开

3. 暴雪和EA,哪家公司更大一些(资产更多一些)?

如果说资产的话  当然是EA了,电玩界的老大 不是浪得虚名的!排名前十的游戏厂商  根本没有暴雪的份
1.EA 2.任天堂 3.Activision 4.Sony 5.THQ 6.Take Two interractive 
7.育碧 8.卢卡斯 9.维旺迪 10.科乐美 
十大游戏厂商中 1EA的销售策略是 全平台发售 。
2。任天堂 凭借nds的热销 曾一度直逼游戏界的老大EA,老任游戏有保证 ,任氏出品,必属精品!
向暴雪 只在pc上出游戏是行不通的,而且 只靠 暗黑跟魔兽两款 游戏 确实比不过以上的十家大厂商


4. NBA 2K系列和 EA的哪个好


5. 全球最大的游戏公司是哪个啊?? EA?? 2K排第几啊??

1.USA (NASDAQ: AAPL) 苹果 – $281.40B
16.USA (NASDAQ: ERTS) EA集团 – $5.23B
28.USA (NASDAQ: TTWO) Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. – $944.11M

全球最大的游戏公司是哪个啊?? EA?? 2K排第几啊??

6. 谁能系统的介绍EA 公司? (英文的)

Electronic Arts Inc. 
209 Redwood Shores Parkway 
Redwood City, CA 94065 
United States - Map 
Phone: 650-628-1500 
Fax: 650-628-1414 
Web Site: http://www.ea.com 

Index Membership: Nasdaq 100 
Sector: Technology 
Industry: Multimedia & Graphics Software 
Full Time Employees: 7,900 

Electronic Arts, Inc. engages in the development, marketing, publishing, and distribution of interactive software games and content worldwide. The company's software games and content are playable by consumers on video game consoles; personal computers; mobile platforms, including cellular handsets and handheld game players; and online over the Internet and other proprietary online networks. It markets its products under the EA, EA SPORTS, EA SPORTS BIG, and POGO brands. The company also sells advertising in its games and on its Websites. In addition, Electronic Arts distributes interactive software games that are developed and published by other companies. The company was founded in 1982 and is headquartered in Redwood City, California. 

Pay Exercised 
Mr. Warren C. Jenson , 51 
Chief Admin. Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Exec. VP $ 1.21M $ 7.03M 
Dr. Gerhard Florin , 49 
Exec. VP and Gen. Mang. of International Publishing N/A N/A 
Mr. V. Paul Lee , 43 
Sr. Advisor N/A N/A 
Mr. John Riccitiello , 48 
Chief Exec. Officer and Exec. Director N/A N/A 
Mr. John Pleasants , 42 
Chief Operating Officer and Pres of Global Publishing N/A N/A

7. 各位大哥推荐几款fps吧,不要老掉牙的。

  《战地:叛逆连队2》是EA DICE研发的第9款“战地”系列作品。同时,它也是2008年上市的同系列的游戏战地:叛逆连队的续作。两款游戏的特色和卖点基本相同,在单人游戏剧情上亦有很多交叉点。不过,本作的剧情中减少了黑色幽默的成分,更多地渲染了战场的悲壮气氛。   本游戏仍然沿用前作的寒霜引擎,并有所改进。……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2010-03-02┊官方网站┊

  《Darkest of Days》是一款历史题材的第一人称视角射击游戏,它将带领玩家穿越时间,游历那段人类历史上最为黑暗的日子。游戏从玩家所处的时代开始,在经历一场恐怖的浩劫之前,玩家被一个神秘的组织找到。为了确保人类的未来,玩家必须进行时间旅行,并回到世界历史上那次著名的、被称之为“转折点”的战役,作为神秘组织的代……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-09-08┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-09-01┊官方网站┊

  游戏将以一队雇佣兵在茂密的亚马孙河的丛林执行任务的内容。游戏中玩家将有控制小型雇佣兵小组,并且在完成不同任务的同时保证所有组员安全逃离。这样玩家就需要战前作好充分的战略思想,并全身而退。玩家在游戏中可以同时体验到即时战略和主观视点射击两种游戏类型的乐趣。   小对中有八名成员组成,并使用不同武……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-09-30┊官方网站┊

  由之前曾经开发《闪击点行动》(Operation Flashpoint)、《武装突袭》(Armed Assault)等人气军事FPS作品的Bohemia Interactive Studio目前正在开发制作中,预定2009年Q1在PC平台上推出,同时也将会推出Xbox 360与PS3版本的这款新作FPS《武装突袭2》(Armed Assault II,简称《ArmA II》)如今官方宣布特地在国外Big Download上推……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-07-07┊官方网站┊

  本次的次世代《德军总部》的英文名为Wolfenstein,而非我们想象的Return To Castle Wolfenstein 2(《重返德军总部2》),也与Wolfenstein 3D(《德军总部3D》)没什么关系。本作由Raven Software开发,故事发生在Isenstadt,这是一个虚构的德国城市。当盟军得知了纳粹的重大发现后,他们也派出了他们的“大规模杀伤性武器”,这就……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-08-04┊官方网站┊

  仅仅在《Left 4 Dead》上市一年之后,Valve就宣布了续集《Left 4 Dead 2》,并发布了高清预告片,暂时还没有玩家更关心的《Half Life 2: Episode 3》的消息。《Left 4 Dead 2》将在11月17日发售PC和Xbox 360版本。   《Left 4 Dead 2》故事发生的时间与原作几乎相同,玩家将扮演4位全新的未被感染的人类,敌人中也……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-11-17┊官方网站┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-10-30┊

  由Codemasters出品的PC/PS3/Xbox 360版动作射击游戏《闪点行动:龙之崛起》(Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising)将于2009年秋季同步发行,于日前放出以220平方公尺的广阔开放世界战场为舞台的Skira岛最新影片。   本作故事以位在库页岛海域日本北边的一座虚拟岛屿-Skira岛为舞台,描述为了争夺隐藏在海底的丰富……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-09-30┊

  Ubisoft近日宣布了《西部狂野》(Call of Juarez)的新作《西部狂野:生死同盟》(Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood),让玩家一睹19世纪美国西部第一人称射击的狂野趣味。   《西部狂野:生死同盟》将从McCall兄弟两人的角度去陈述游戏的故事;玩家将会一路从墨西哥至美国乔治亚州展开冒险,在美国南北战争与墨西哥战……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-06-30┊官方网站┊

  《通缉令:命运武器》采用第三人称动作类型,强调以先进的游戏引擎呈现角色的杀手美学,展现激烈的战斗;游戏也承袭电影的表现手法,玩家可以从影片中观看到弯曲的子弹、刺客时间等令人注目的表现动作。   在游戏中,玩家可以自动躲在任何掩体后面,使用掩体是本作的主要系统,玩家可以抓住敌人当肉盾,而且在各个……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-03-24┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-09-30┊


  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-02-20┊

  伴随着近来被炒的沸沸扬扬的EA与Take-Two的收购事件,这家在游戏业内声名显赫,同时也格外受到反暴力游戏组织和舆论关照的开发商无疑已经成为了2008年年初业界关注的焦点。为了缓解收购所带来的压力,同时也为了帮助提升财政收入预期,Take-Two今天给股东和广大玩家们带来了一个好消息:《生化奇兵》的续作正在开发中。 ……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-10-01┊官方网站┊

  《使命召唤5:战争世界》推出也有段时间了,根据以往的推出频率,《使命召唤6》也不远了。动视暴雪最近公布了《使命召唤6》的最新信息,其副标题是《现代战争2》,制作团队为Infinity Ward。    既然都是《现代战争2》了,《使命召唤6》自然不会再上演二战了。不过这个“现代”究竟会现代到什么程度 还很难说。有……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-11-10┊官方网站┊


  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-04-07┊

  《狼穴尖兵2》是经典第一人称射击游戏《狼穴尖兵》的续作,背景设定于第二次世界大战期间,拥有比较丰富的角色扮演要素。在体验传统FPS游戏形式的同时,还大大强化了玩家在游戏中强化能力、提升等级的元素组成。除此之外,游戏还包含了众多创新性的特殊能力,例如:   1. “狙神”模式。该模式下,你将会暂时无敌……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-01-01┊官方网站┊

  《F.E.A.R.2:起源计划》将延续Alma 的故事主线,玩家将面对全新的敌人,他们将更加聪明、带给你更刺激的挑战,研发小组也强调游戏采用强化的图像引擎,使得视觉效果更加精进,再次挑战玩家的神经,玩家将在恐怖满点的气氛中去揭开神秘的内幕,而这也是玩家唯一能了解 Alma 传说的方法。   另一个最新的特点就是武……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2009-02-01┊官方网站┊

  作为描述二战史上著名的市场花园战役的第一人称射击类游戏,《手足兄弟连:兵临绝境》从情节,画面到作战模式满足您视觉感官的全方位亲沥感受。   手足兄弟连:兵临绝境 次世代 最好的Unreal Engine 3、经典故事情节以及小组作战模式提供了前所未有的画面和剧情。
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2008-10-07┊官方网站┊

  《孤岛危机:弹头》是由曾开发过《孤岛惊魂》的Crytek制作的次世代主观视点射击游戏,本作使用该公司所研发的CryENGINE 2图形引擎进行制作,游戏中的特效及画面全部达到了DX10级别!   游戏的故事仍然是地球受到异形的威胁,而我们的主角则要击退异形,拯救世界。不过在本作中游戏主角所穿着的是高科技纳米战斗服……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2008-09-11┊官方网站┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2008-08-25┊官方网站┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2008-11-11┊官方网站┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2008-11-11┊官方网站┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2008-04-15┊官方网站┊

  FEAR珀尔修斯的指令《F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate》的故事情节并行于《FEAR》原版和《FEAR:撤离点》发生,玩家在FEAR珀尔修斯的指令《F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate》当中,需要展开新的冒险旅程,找出“Perseus”究竟是什么东西,并且发现Nighcrawlers的最终真相。玩家在FEAR珀尔修斯的指令《F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate》当中,将遇到新的……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2007-11-06┊官方网站┊

  本作以第二次世界大战为背景,描写纳粹占领欧洲进而侵略美国后各地的抵抗势力奋起反击的故事,是近来继《抵抗:灭绝人类》之后又一款篡改历史的FPS游戏。 在本作设计的故事背景中,英国二战时期抵抗纳粹的灵魂人物,首相温斯顿·丘吉尔不幸在二战爆发前3年,也就是1936年去世了。没有了丘吉尔领导的大英帝国如同一盘散沙,……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2008-02-26┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2008-02-25┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2008-02-12┊

  《恐龙猎人(Turok )》新作讲述了一个发生在黑暗、神秘的行星上的近未来风格的科幻故事。玩家将在游戏中扮演前突击队成员Joseph Turok,现任特别精英部队队员之一,在一颗发生基因突变的神秘星球上执行追捕战争罪犯的特殊任务。Turok在游戏中不仅要设法躲避敌方士兵的追击,同时还要提防随时可能出现的巨大恐龙和其他未知生物的袭击……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2008-03-18┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2008-03-18┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2006-11-29┊

  《阴影地带之幸存者(Shadowgrounds Survivor)》是《阴影地带(Shadowgrounds)》的续作,是由FrozenByte公司开发的PC第三人称科幻动作射击游戏。   在新作中,故事情节将继续前作的套路。玩家将继续扮演人类抵抗组织成员,担负抵抗外星异形入侵的重担。在新的故事中,玩家将可以从三名性格技能迥异的抵抗战士中选择……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2007-11-17┊

  《战争机器》是由开发出知名3D 游戏引擎“Unreal Engine3”的Epic Games所制作,使用的正是该公司最引以为傲的UnrealEngine3。这个3D 游戏引擎整合了新一代3D图形处理器,以及AGEIA提供的物理模拟技术,所能呈现的画面效果以及互动性可说是目前顶级的表现。   使用了Unreal Engine3 的《Gear of War》,同样也充分……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2007-11-06┊

  Eidos公司日前公开了次世代新作《夺命双雄》的多人游戏模式“脆弱联盟”。这个模式是与单人模式息息相关的,玩家可以与三到七名伙伴进入多人关卡中,目标就是夺取尽可能多的金钱。   在游戏中玩家主要扮演的是凯恩,凯恩的儿子有一天发现了他的枪,用他的枪杀死了自己,他的妻子因此对她深恶痛绝。这起事件之后,……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2007-11-20┊

  Activision今天正式公布了经典FPS游戏《命运战士》的续作《命运战士:报答》(Soldier of Fortune Payback),其作为本系列的第三作将会在今年11月在PC、PS3和Xbox 360平台上发售。《命运战士:报答》延续了前作极度暴利血腥的特点,将给玩家极端震撼的游戏感受。   游戏在包含完整的单人游戏以外,还有死亡竞赛、团队……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2007-11-14┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2007-12-12┊

  由Mindware Studios开发的《止痛剂:服药过量》将提供给玩家一个全新的体验。将加入6种崭新的恶魔武器,16个独特关卡,将近40种怪物。多人模式将一如既往的强大,同时兼容原版的地图和MOD。
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2007-10-26┊

  《半条命2:橙盒版》套装共包括五游戏,其中三款新游戏是《半条命2:第二章》(EP2)、《团队要塞2》(TF2)和《Portal》,两款旧游戏则是《半条命2》、《半条命2:第一章》。该游戏将于2007年10月9日上市,其中PC版售价49.99美元,Xbox 360版和PS3版售价59.99美元。
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2007-10-10┊

  id Software和Activision即将推出的射击游戏《敌占区:雷神战争(Enemy Territory: Quake Wars)》的内容正是著名的Quake系列里的大背景,地球军队和外星侵略者Strogg进行的大规模战争!游戏里面将加入超过40种的常见的以及特有的车辆,包括摩托车,坦克,直升机,无重力飞船等。   与《虚幻竞技场2007》和《战地2》……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2007-10-02┊

  相比游戏之前的版本,《虚幻竞技场3》加入了许多单人游戏要素,证明开发小组也开始重视游戏的单人部分就像游戏一直注重的联机部分一样。整个虚幻竞技场的故事建立于未来的Super Bowl。统治企业为了平息手下员工的不满情绪,建立了一个格斗竞技场为员工提供消遣。而玩家则扮演一位年轻小伙子,为了向杀害他全家的公司报仇而义无……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2007-12-31┊

  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2007-10-09┊

  就在Activsion正式公布Xbox360/PS3《使命召唤3》(Call of Duty 3)之后不久,国外游戏媒体披露了这个系列最新PC作品——《使命召唤4:现代战争》(Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare)的最新资料。   媒体透露,这款由Infinity Ward公司开发的全新游戏将包含更多现代战争内容,并支持最多54人的连线对战。与传统FPS游戏……
  ┊类 型:FPS ┊详细内容┊上市时间:2007-11-05┊

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8. 求这篇新闻翻译成英文

LOL global finals settled in the nest of Chinese gaming What does it mean?
February 9, the Heroes Union 2017 global finals will be held in China to celebrate the news of the game circle, but also let a lot of LOL fans feel pleasantly surprised, this is not only the first time the domestic contractor of the event, but also China is currently the number Not many world-class top races.
"This may be the only chance for my life to kill Faker alone."
Through this opportunity, many people talked about the old LOL Lv, there are many old players that will return. And this held a six-year event now came to China, we have to let us continue to reflect on this is not perfect game why made such a high degree? After the MOBA, the next era of gaming will belong to sports games?
Cancel the wild card new "finalists", S series has a high degree of commercialization
From September 23 to November 4 this year, S7 from the finalists to the finals will be in Wuhan, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing four cities have successively, the final will be staged in Beijing's nest. In this year's May, the season's tournament (MSI) will be held in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and two tournaments will be attended by 24 teams in the world's 13 division divisions.
In addition to the venue, it is noteworthy that this series of race system has also been changed. Previously, Riot Games set up a racquet in order to meet the areas where there was no complete competition, and let the teams compete for the finals. And this time to cancel the outside of the card race, while the withdrawal of the Grand Prix a qualifying, to compete for all the Division.
Change the system on the one hand reflects the strength of the global clan balance, on the other hand, also shows that the professional league heroes have ushered in a new stage. In May last year, Sprite 15 million yuan to become the "hero alliance" league's chief sponsor, and Gillette also recently became the hero of the League IEM tournament sponsor, and signed the legendary player Xpeke.
At the same time, before the start of the group stage there will be a "finalists", and thus to qualify for promotion. It is worth mentioning that South Korea's LCK Division due to the past two years of outstanding performance will not need to participate in the finalists, direct access to three group meeting places. While the Chinese LPL Division will reduce a fixed place, No. 3 seed from the finalists to play, including the finalists for 12 into 4.
This kind of race system, for China's LPL Division is detrimental. "LPL overall strength this year as last year," the face of a large number of Korean aid loss situation, explained Miller at the end of S6 has made such comments. In addition, with the lack of a final stage of the entry places, LPL team in this year want to get excellent results at the door, no doubt their own tireless efforts.
Although the domestic clan results are not expected, but the highly commercial gaming events into the country, the industry is a strong stimulus. "The world's top gaming tournament to enter the country itself is an intuitive experiential learning for us," a number of industry insiders told the ecology, which is a test for talented people, but also to young people, and The whole society, show the charm of gaming.
Can not be ignored in the Chinese market, and Tencent mutual worries
Although as early as 2009, the Heroes Union has been available, but the tournament, the S series of the global finals began in 2011. At that time the fist company in the gaming atmosphere of Sweden held the first Heroes Union global finals, with Dreamhack event of the huge volume, LOL won more than 100,000 people online viewing results, and this also firmly fist independent competition contest determination. 
The details of the S series will be held from the Swedish to S4 to S4 in Seoul, from the S5 Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Berlin and S6 Los Angeles Staples Stadium, each tournament held in the relationship with the results of the difference is not considered Is still the power of the gaming area and the qualifications to run the game.
"In the first-tier cities, large-scale long-term rally audit is more complex and difficult." A senior editor of the competition said that even after the audit, the degree of specialization in the domestic competition is uneven, "before the game Preparation, explanation and field control, data disclosure, etc., need professional talent.
011 officially launched so far, it can be said, "Heroes Union" for a long period of time, the Chinese thriller in the hearts of the first throne. In the MOBA field, "LOL" accounted for more than 65% of the players.
Last year in December, Superdata released annual game revenue data show that the global year of the game flow has more than 90 billion US dollars (about 630 billion yuan). In addition, LOL's revenue is expected to exceed 1.7 billion US dollars (11.8 billion yuan), while 2015 LOL annual income of 1.67 billion US dollars.
However, although the Heroes Union is still the richest game of gaming, but have to admit that the six-year heroic alliance into China is going downhill. Therefore, the fist want to continue to maintain the heat and status of LOL, through professional events and commercial operation, and so a series of ways to extend its life.
According to Newzoo statistics, 2016 global gaming revenue, from China accounted for part of the 15%, twice the South Korea, second only to North America. In the nearly 1.4 billion Chinese population, the total number of gamers is about 560 million, and the number of players on the PC side is about 100 million.
Last year in China held the S6 season champion tournament (MSI), gave the fist a signal, that is, China's gaming atmosphere has already begun to change, to accommodate more large-scale events in the Chinese market, no doubt the manufacturers want to compete A blue ocean.
After years of precipitation, S series of events is no longer a simple national team competition. In this start-up industry, the tournament event also provides a more complete spectator experience for viewers and enthusiasts, and begins to educate the market, teach them to enjoy races, and enjoy the fun of the game.
"Heroes Union" is not perfect, the next era of gaming is a sports game?
Contrast "DOTA 2", we will find the difference between the two play, the impact of the race is the competitive and ornamental, as well as the threshold for new people. And this threshold, but also determines whether the game can gather more new users.
"BBKinG has written," Every time the threshold for starting a gaming game is reduced, the audience is expanding and the rate of expansion is geometrically. "
Indeed, the lower threshold can capture the player faster, but the play mechanism will therefore become incomplete, the game needs to be updated frequently to achieve a balance, a different "version", which makes the popular heroes continue to appear, also led to appearances in the contest The number of heroes tends to be fixed.          According to statistics, in the S6 final stage debut hero only half. This version of the "external checks and balances" is updated and the evaluation of the game experience is mixed.
Sacrifice competitive playing mechanism, can indeed exchange for a huge player base, the vitality of the game to continue, coupled with the professional system and the event held, also allows the game to gather great capital and social attention. But for the gaming project, this approach is worth pondering and scrutiny. But another fact is that the "hero alliance" phenomenon level exists, the future is difficult to go beyond its MOBA products.
So, the next fiery gaming project will be a sports game?
Just today, NBA officials announced that they have reached an agreement with Take-Two company, plans from 2018 onwards jointly organized based on the NBA 2K series of gaming events.
It is reported that the event will include all 30 NBA teams (each team by the real NBA team to manage), each team by five players were manipulated five positions. The league is five months long and will include the regular season, the playoffs, and the NBA Finals. The league will also include players draft, trading and other elements, there are already many teams began to prepare the event, the Houston Rockets is already formed its own gaming club.
"This is a great potential for business opportunities." NBA Chairman Adam Xiao Hua said, "Let more people contact basketball is one of my most important tasks, and now we have the opportunity to let more basketball enthusiasts in person "For example, if fans want to play for the New York Knicks, but physical conditions are not allowed.Now as a gaming player, people will have a new opportunity for their beloved team effectiveness." Xiao Hua, for example, "
"NBA 2K Alliance" is expected to start operation since 2018. Players will not use the real players, but control their own creation of the role. "We are trying to be close to reality and will offer up to $ 250,000 in prize money," said Strauss Zelnick, executive director of Take Two.
Not only in the United States basketball tournament, look at the various types of European football league, also have a "gaming" attempt. Such as the French Orange e-LIGUE 1 and the Spanish league affiliated to the EA World Championship. Eredivis also announced on Jan. 20 that it will launch the E-Divisie FIFA gaming league next month with EA and a television organization.
In the process of entering the field of gaming, the advantages of sports games is obvious. Remove the game lovers, based on the basket and other traditional sports items of ornamental and competitive, fans will naturally become a sports gaming competition audience. As the world's most successful two sports IP, basketball full of gaming experience can give the industry to develop new rules? We will wait and see.